Senin, 04 Januari 2010

10.Pembahasan Reading Incomplete Dialogues 22-25

Number 22.
Diane:What do you like most here in this city?
Mary:Well,...................There is so much to see.

A.I enjoy going shopping quite a lot
B.I'm veery fond of the food
C.I love the steak very much
DI really like hot weather

Difficult Words
like most=paling suka/enjoy=menikmati/fond of =suka/hot weather=cuaca panas.

Pembahasan:Diane menanyakan kepada Mary apa yang Mary sukai dikota ini?
Untuk menjawabnya kitda bisa melihat dari jawaban Mary......There is so much to see(Banyak yang dilihat).
Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

Number 23.
Amin:I'm very sorry for being late.My car broken down on my way here.
Amin:Thanks for your advice.I'll do that.

A.You should call a taxi
B.My driver can help you
C.I think I will send you a driver
D.You'd better have it checked regularly

Difficult Words
broke down=rusak/advice=nasehat/send=mengirimkan/checked=memeriksa/regularly=teratur/

Pembahasan:Amin mengucapkan terima kasih atas nasehat Budi.Berarti yang perlu kita ketahui adalah mengenai ungkapan-ungkapan nasehat diantaranya:
1.You had better go to the hospitdal
2.I'd suggest you to to go to the hospital
3.You should go to the hospital

Jadi jawaban yang tepat untuk number 23 adalah D

Number 24.
Lula:Excuse me.May I see Mr.Suroyo?
Kamal:I'm sorry madam.He..... a client at present.

A.can contact
B.was visiting talking to
D.had a chat with

Pembahasan:Untuk menjawab number 24,kita bisa melihat jawaban dari Kamal."He.........a client at present."
Kata yang perlu kita perhatikan adalah kata " at present".Ini menunjukakan bahwa masa nya waktu sekarang.
Nah,sekarang kita cari kata kerja yang menunjukkan sekarang.Yaitu polanya....
Jadi jawaban yang tepat untuk nomor 24 adalah C.

Number 25.
Manager:Did our company get more profit of the sales this year?
Supervisor:I'm afraid not,Sir.But we could have been able to promote the products........

A.if we had hired more sales represantatives
B.if we hadn't produced more products than ever
C.if people hadn't bought other products but ours
D.if people had been familiar with our products

Difficult Words
more=lebih banya/profit=keuntungan/promote=mempromosikan

Pembahasan:Ini merupakan kalimat pengandaian.Bentuk pengandaian dibagi menjadi tiga:
type 1.Untuk menyatakan kemungkinan
type 2.Untuk menyatakan bahwa kejadian berbeda dengan kondisi yang ada sekarang.
type3.Untuk mnyakan bahwa kondisi yang terjadi berbeda dengan masa lampau.

Contoh type 1.
1.If I am sick,I will go to the doctor
2.If I practice,I can speak English

Contoh type 2.
1.If I were sick,I would go to the doctor
2.If I practiced,I could speak English

Type 3.
1.If I had been sick,I would have gone to the doctor
2.If I had practiced,I could have spoken English

Jadi jawaban yang tepat untu number 25 adalah A.

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