Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Persiapan Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2012.

                    Kepada para siswa-siswi SMK,sekitar bulan April 2012 Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggis akan

dilaksanakan,berarti tinggal empat bulan lagi. Empat bulan bukanlah waktu yang lama bila dibandingkan

dengan banyaknya materi yang akan diujikan.

Berdasarkan Standar Kompetensi Lulusan materi yang akan diujikan sbb:


 I.LISTENING                 :Sebanyak 15  soal akan diujikan yang terdiri dari empat bagian :

 1. Menentukan pernyataan lisan tentang kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung ,sesuai dengan gambar.

 2. Menentukan pernyataan lisan tentang lokasi suatu benda , sesuai dengan gambar.

 3. Menentukan pernyataan tentang penampilan (ciri-ciri fisik) seseorang sesuai dengan gambar.

  1. Menentukan respons yang tepat terhadap ungkapan saran , pilihan, undangan, dan arah/lokasi
      yang diberikan secara lisan.

1.Menentukan gambaran umum ,informasi tersurat,informasi tersirat dari percakapan singkat tentang
   perkenalan,kegiatan sehari-hari,rencana, dan perbandingan yang diberikan secara lisan.

 1. Menentukan gambaran umum dan informasi tersurat dari sebuah iklan radio monolog singkat.
 2. Menentukan gambaran umum dan informasi tersirat dari sebuah pengumuman singkat yang   diberikan secara lisan

II. READING Sebanyak 35 soal yang akan diujikan terdiri dari tiga bagian:


1.Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan hobi dan minat.
2. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan hobi dan minat.
3. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengn kejadian masa lampau
4  Menetukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan undangan
5. menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pujian
6. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan keluhan
7.  Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan perintah/permohonan.
8. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhungan dengan pengandaian.
9.  Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan  dengan  persetujuan/ketidak setujuan.
10.Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemberian arah dan lokasi.
11.Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan rutin/sehari-hari.
12.Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemesanan.
13.Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kemungkinan.
14.Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan seseorang/sesuatu.


1. Menentukan ungkapan perbandingan benda/orang.
2. Menentukan ungkapan deskripsi benda(adjective clause)
3. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan penawaran/persuasi.
4. Menentukan ungkapan deskripsi fisik seseorang (physical appearance)
5. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemberian/permohonan  perizinan.
6. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengn perasaan seseorang.


1. Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat ,pikiran utama, dan rujukan kata dari surat bisnis.
2. Menentukan gmbaran umum, informasi rinci tersurat, dan sinonim kata tertentu dari teks singkat tentang pengalaman kerja seseorang.
3. Menentukan gambaarn umum, informasi rinci tersurat, dan informasi rinci  tersurat, dan informasi tersirat dari sebuah teks prosedur.
4.Menentukan gambaran umum, informasi tersirat, dan rujukan kata dari teks singkat tentang deskripsi sebuah benda/tempat. 

Silahkan Anda cari semua ungkapan-ungkapan ada di blog ini!

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Pembahasan Ujian Nasional B.Inggris Thn 2011.

      Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris tela dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 April,2011.Ujian Nasional B.Inggris terdiri dari Listening Section dan Reading Section.

Listening Section sebanyak 15 soal meliputi:

Part I. Pictures (4 soal)

Part II. Questions-Responses (4 soal)

Part III. Short Conversations (3soal)

Part IV. Short Talks (4 soal)

Reading Section sebanyak 35 soal meliputi :

Incomplete Dialogues  (15 soal)

Errosr Recognition (5 soal)

Reading Comprehension (15 soal)


Choose the best answer , A,B,C, or D to each question.
Questions 37 to 39 refer to the following chart.

Number 37.

What does the chart show?

A.The students who did not graduate?
B. The writer's first interview.

B. The students of community cpllege?
C. SMK student's activities after that they graduate.
D. Unemployed students.

Number 38.

How many graduates become entrepreneurs?

A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%

Number 39.

What do the two fifths of SMK Grafika graduates do?

A. Unknown
B. Getting a job
C. Running own business
D. Studying in a community college

Questions 40 to 42 refer to the following text.

The Assembly Line Worker

         In 1949,when I was 13, my family managedto escapeChina, and a year later, we made our way to New York City. My first years in America was spent on learning and trying to get by in school. But by my senior year, I was near the top of the class.

         Still, I was nervous as I looked for work that summer. I had never been interviewed for a job. But my father was out of work, and I had to help support the family. I looked through the want ads every morning  and was called to arrange appointment. Finally, I found a job on the assembly-line at the Swingline,Inc.Staplers  factory in Long Island City (in New York City). Placing little red top on tiny staplers was boring, but it was great to earn $40 a week.

          The most important job I ever held was my first job on an assembly-line. The minumum wage may not have been glamorous, but it gave me independence and enabled me to help the family.

                                                                                            (taken from journey-2 by Lebauer,1977).

Number 40.

What is the main topic of paragraph 2?
A. The writer's first job.
B. The writer's first interview
C. The writer's father
D. The writer's most important job.

Number 41.

 When did the writer and his family make their way to New York City?
A. In 1950.
B. In 1977.
C. When he was 13 years old.
D. When he was 40 years old.

Number 42.

"..........., but it gave me independence and enabled..........."(paragraph 3).The underlined word refers to.....
A. assembly-line.
B. first work
C. glamorous.
D. minimum wage.

Questions 43 to 45 refer to the following text.

Hotel Toegoe Malang
Jl. Tugu 3 Malang East Java

January 3 rd,2010

The PR Manager,
Garuda Hotel
1 Maliboro Street,

Dear Sir,
I would like to tell you that   that our PR and HR managers, Ms Riani Sukma and Mr. Ari Bintarto , will attend a meeting in Yogyakarta on January 21 st, 2010 and stay there for three days.
We should be glad if you will reserve accommodation for them;29 (two) single rooms with 2(two) bathrooms.
Please let us have an early confirmation of this booking.

Yours faithfully,

Hotel Toegoe Malang

Ponty Yuniar Risgiyanto

 43. What is the purpose of the letter?
        A. To send two managers to Yogyakarta for a meeting.
        B. To book rooms in Garuda Hotel.
        C. To reconfirm the room reservation.
        D. To offer a hotel accomodation.

 44. Who will join a conference in Yogyakarta?
       A. Mr.Ponty Yuniar Risgiyanto.
       B. The PR Manager of Garuda Hotel.
       C. Mrs. Sukma and Mr.Bintarto
       D. The Maanagers of hotels in Yogyakarta.
 45. "We should be glad if you reserve..."      
        The boldtype word is closest in meaing to ............



Questions 31 to 36, choose the inappropriate in the sentences below and choose the best word or phrase to substitute it.

Number 31.

Syuli   : What do you think of the speech delivered by Mr.Smith?
                                 A                              B
Salwa  : I think it's motivated. We can take lessons of it. we can take lessons of it.
                                  C                                                              D
 A. thought of
 B. delivering
 C. motivsting
 D. took

Number 32.

Guest     : Good morning, we're from Lion Motor Club.
Manager : Welcome to the villager's production of helmet. We give you better products and as good quality
                 than others .We guarantee your money back.
                  C                          D

 A. they're                
 B. gave
C. as.
D. guaranted

Number 33.

Customer : What does this diamond ring cost?
                             A                               B
Clerk        : Oh, that's  Rp 1,750,000.00

Customer  : That's quite expensive. May you give it for  Rp 1,250,000.00

Customer  : That's too low. I'll let you have  it  for Rp 1,500,000.00.
 A. do
 B. expense
 C. can
 D. them

Number 34.

News articles try to present only facts. The editorial page is the section of the newspaper who news
are  given the opportunity to express their opinions about recent events policies and community 
A. which
B. were
C. them
D. activity

Number 35.

Teacher  :  Who is that boy?  He  have kinky short black hair.
                   A                               B                      
Amir       : He is my friend from Papua.
                 C                      D

A. which
B. has
C. she

Number 36.

Andrew : I found my journey to Bali exciting. 
Mario    : If  you had got bad travel agent like I had, you won't say that.
               B                                                      C               D


Questions 16 to 30, choose the appropriate answer.

Number 16.
Hasan : Excuse me, ....on May 15 and 16. is it available?
Receptionist: I'm sorry,sir. i am afraid our hotel is fully booked at that time.

A. I'd like to book a ticket.
B. I'd like to reserve a room.
C. I need to order a birthday cake.
D. I need to confirm about my reservation.

Number 17.
Ramli : I've just bought this mobile phone and I still don't know how to use it.
What do you think can help me?
Kevin : .....He works at a phone service center.

A. You should buy a new manual book.
B. Sonny might be able to handle the problem.
C. You must go to the shopping mall.
D. Sonny can ask your help.

Number 18.
Uncle : I didn't see your mother. Where is she?
Nephew : She is in the kitchen. .........

A. She is preparing our meal.
B. She should have cooked lunch.
C. She was busy helping father in the office.
D. She used to order some fruits from that place.

Number 19.
Agus : Why didn't you come to school yesterday? You had a class,didn,t you?
Marjo : I was shocked. my best friend, Trisno got heart attack.He's being hospita-
lized at Sarjito Hospital now.
Agus : Oh,.... Hoping better soon.

A. I'm sorry to hear that.
B. He must do some exercise.
C. He must be careful then.
D. I'm surprised to hear that.

Number 20.

Tourist : Excuse me. Can you show me the place to buy merchandise?
Student : Well, the gift shop is over there at the corner of the street.
......... You'll see it in front of the nursery school.

A. I'm sorry I don't know.
B. It's closed in the afternoon.
C. There are two gift shops around here.
D. just walk along this street for two blocks.

Number 21.

Visitor : Why is this place so messy?
Host : I'm sorry. .... But we'll tidy it up as soon as possible.

A. It's not a problem,right?
B. Can you help us clean it?
C. The office boy didn,t come this week.
D. The receptionist will inform you later.

Number 22.

Hasan : ..............
Dayat : Well, he usually drives, but today he is taking the bus.

A. When will Mr. John arrive?
B. How did Andi arrive at school?
C. What time does he leave today?
D. How does your father go to the office?

Number 23.

Harry : Perhaps we could all go out for dinner.....
Jenny : That'd be lovely. We've planned it several times ever since we moved here.

A. What about driving around in the village?
B. Why don,t we eat together at home?
C. Should we order the food now?
D. What about going to the office?

Number 24.

Resa : Sales, Dena Resa speaking.
Puji : May I speak to Thomas, please?
Resa : I'm sorry. His line is busy right now ...........
Puji : All right. please tell him resa called.

A. Would you like to hold on
B. Could you wait for him
C. Who's speaking
D. May I take a message

Number 25.

Arya : How was your trip to Bandung?
Sandy : It's nice. ..... It made two days too short to pass.

A. I really enjoyed being there
B. I could't see any places
C. I'll be there again tomorrow
D. Bandung really makes everyone happy

Number 26.

Anna : ............ ?
Garry : What's wrong with it?
Anna : It's hard to read the result.

A. Will you save this document
B. Could you check the program
C. Could you print this document again
D. Can I help you,please

Number 27.

Agus : What are you going to do after you graduate, Tika?
Tika : .........
Agus : What will you take?
Tika : I'm thinking of majoring in Mathematics.

A. I'll travel around the world
B. I'll try to find a job
C. I'm working as a clerk
D. I plan to go to college

Number 28.

Erik : You look exhausted. You need a break.
Trisno: .... Unfortunately,the company doesn't have may employees.

A. I'll get a new job if I don't do it.
B. If I were the manager, I would go for a facation.
C. If I were you, I would talk to the manager.
D. I'd do it if there weren't too much work

Number 29.

Bambang : I'm having a party on Friday. .......
Sita : Well, thanks for inviting me, but I'm afraid I'm busy then.
Bambang : Oh, that's too bad. May be some other time.

A. May I ask you about it?
B. Could you drive me?
C. Can you come?
D. Would you invite me?

Number 30.

Siti : This novel looks very interesting.
Septi : Yes, it's very good.There are a lot of moral lessons in it. I have just
read it.
Siti : .........

Septi : Yes,of course.But not more than three days. I'm goung to return it.

A. Do you think I could borrow it?
B. Could you tell me about the lessons?
C. Will you buy the novel soon?
D. Could I buy novel?

Part IV. Short Talks

Would you like to join International Social Security Association (ISSA). The procedure for joining ISSA is simple. Contact the ISSA General Secretariat in Geneva. Either,on line by phone or by mail for your application. The secretariat would provide you with any favour information you need and guide you through application process before you pay your membership. As Independent International Organization ISSA is financed by member contribution for favour information about cost of membership for your organizatio.Please
e-mail a consulted   via  the ISSA website. WWW://ISSA.IMT/Joy.com
For contact the ISSA General Secretariat at 041227996617.

Number 12.

A. Joining an organization.
B. Phoning someone important.
C. Calculating the budget.
D. Contributing an idea.

Number 13.

A. Visit the office.
B. Consult the secretary.
C. Pay the membership.
D. Contact the security.

When you think of Viking mountain you probably think of world class skying and with good reason
Viking mountain is much much more .it's also a well class some resourced of free challenging 18 hole golf course  and the lake for swimming,fishing and boating. In late June there is a famous Viking Mountain Jazz music festival.In July  an  arts and crafts fair and summer hotel lakes than more reasonable. Rooms are half the skiis seasons rate.So  come on not now for summer of fun Viking mountain.

Number 14.

A. Some mountains resorts.
B. A world-class summer resort.
C. Jazz mountain festivals.
D. Summer hotel rates.

Number 15.

A. A famous Viking Mountain Jazz festival.
B. Winter fun at the hotel.
C. An arts and crafts fair.
D. World-class skiing.

This is the end of the listening.

Part III. Short Conversations

Questions: 9 to 11

In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations twice.The conversations will not be printed in your test book,so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker say.

In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.

You will hear:

Man : The driver will meet you at the gate.
Woman : What kind of car will he be driving?
Man : He'll be driving a large, black limousine.

You will read: What will the woman do?

A. look for a specific automobile.
B. Wait at the door.
C. Drive a car.
D. Call a taxi.

The best answer is A.

Number 9.

A. The man
B. The maid
C. The roommate.
D. No one.

Number 10.

A. They borrowed them.
B. The supervisor brought them.
C. People sent the memo.
D. We lent some of them.

Number 11.

A. The large one.
B. The small one.
C. The expensive one.
D. The beautiful one.

Part II. Questions-Responses

Question : 5 to 8.

In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker say.You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question:

You will hear: Woman : Could you work until nine tonight?

You will also hear:Man : A. No,it doesn't work.
B. Yes,you can go to work now.
C. No, I have to be home by eight.

The best response is C

Number 5.

Man        : Why do you like traveling by train better than by bus?
Woman   : A. He likes traveling by bus.
                 B. I think the train is safer.
                 C. The bus is too cheap.

The best answer is B.

.Number 6.

Woman : What kind of music do you like most?

Part I. Pictures

Questions : 1 to 4.


For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about it on the tape.They are spoken twice, and are NOT WRITTEN on your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statemen-(A),(B),(C),or (D)-that best describes the picture. Then on your answer sheet,mark your choice.

Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences.

A. The woman is touching the screen.
B. The doctor is sitting behind the patient.
C. The patient is being examined.
D. The visitors are leaving the hospital.

The best answer is C.

Number 1.

A. The athletes are running along the track
B. They're working on the computer
C. People are jogging on the trackmill
D. They are having a race competition

The best answer is C.

Number 2.

A. They are having fun bike.
B. They are preparing for a racing competition.
C. The people want to ride the bikes.
D. The bikes are parked on the side of the road.

The best answer is  A.

Number 3.

A. All the ladies are wearing glasses.
B. The woman in the middle is crying.
C. They are sitting in front of a picture.
D. One of the woman is wearing a necklace.

The best answer is  D.

Number 4.

A. The train is crossing  over a bridge.
B. The passengers are boarding on the train.
C. the train runs through the tunnel