Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Listening Picture 4.

Setelah Anda selesai mengerjakan Listening Picture 3, silahkan lanjutkan Listening Picture 4,yang menyatakan kegiatan sedang berlangsung.
Pola Kalimat ini adalah : Subject+ tobe (am,is,are)+verb+ing.
Silahkan Anda baca dengan suara keras dan artikan kalimat-kalimatnya.

Number One.
a. The lady is singing
b. The security guard is standing
c. The girl is painting
d. The referee is jumping

Number Two.
a. The pedestrians are crossing
b. The visitors are praying
c. The patients are sitting
d.The men are smiling

Number Three.
a. The children are swimming
b. The workers are working
c. The mother is cooking
d. They are studying

Number Four
a. The lady is singing a song
b. The girls are serving dinner
c. They're wearing sunglasses
d. He's wearing a raincoat

Number Five.
a. The woman is pushing the man
b. The two boys are playing music
c. The reporter is questioning the audience
d. Many people are having a party

Number Six.
a. The painter is working
b. They are studying
c. The man is talking
d. The girl is reading

Number Seven.
a. She is holding a piece of paper
b. The men are wearing hats
c. The girl is caring for a child
d. The men are setting a table

Number Eight.
a. A man is pulling a cable
b. She's using a microphone
c. The passengers are boarding the bus
d. The passenders are getting off the bus

Number Nine.
a. Several students are making a presentation
b. The person is using a shovel
c. The person is using a rake
d. The two men are eating fish

Number Ten.
a. The customer is buying something
b. The man is using a screwdriver
c. The group is discussing something
d. The musician is playing the violin.

Sampai disini untuk selanjutnya bisa ke Listening Picture 5.

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