Questions 48-50 refer to the following text.
A factory is a very big building where things are produced.In factory,machines are used.Therefore, many things can be done more rapidly. In every industrial town, we alsways find factories.
Factories give job for many people.Those who work in factories will get money for their wages. Nowdays almost everything we wear and use has been produced in a factory. Of course, somethings are still made by hand.Factory-made products are usually cheaper than handmade things.
48.What is the text about?
a.People in factory
b.Handmade products
c.Machines in factory
d.The factories
49.What does a factory give to the people?
a.Modern products
b.Working opportunities
c.Cheaper machines
d Handmade things
50."Those who work in factories will get money for their wages."
The underlined word refers to .........
Difficult Words
factory=pabrik/are produced=diproduksi/are used=digunakan/be done=dilakukan/rapidly=cepat/
job=pekerjaan/wages=upah/nowdas=saat sekarang/wear=memakai/are still made=masih dibuat/handmade=buatan tangan/oppurtunities=kesempatan
Pembahasa Nomor 48.menayakan teknya tentang apa?
Jawaban yang tepat adalah D.
Pembahasan No 49.Apa yang pabrik berikan kepada orang-orang?
Jawaban yang tepat adalah B.
Pembahasan Nomor 50.kata yang bercetak miring (those) ditujukan kemana.............
Jawaban yang tepat C.
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