Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Pembahasan Ujian Reading B.Inggris SMK Tahun 2009.

Ujian Reading Bahasa Inggris telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal,21 April 2009,diwilayah Pondok Gede Bekasi.Soal Reading Section ini terdiri dari tiga bagian.

I.Incomplete Dialogues
II.Error Recognition
III.Teading Comprehension

Untuk mempermudah dalam mempelajarinya,maka pembahasannya dibagi menjadi beberapa pembahasan.

1.Pembahasan Incomplete Dialogues Nomor 16-18.
2.Pembahasan Incomplete Dialogues Nomor 19-21.
3.Pembahasan Incomplete Dialogues Nomor 22-24.
4.Pembahasan Incomplete Dialogues Nomor 25-27.
5.Pembahasan Incomplete Dialogues Nomor 28-30.
6.Pembahasan Error Recognition Nomor 31-33
7.Pembahasan Error Recognition Nomor 34-35.
8.Pembahasan Reading Conprehension Nomor 36-38.
9.Pembahasan Reading Comprehension Nomor 39-41.
10.Pembahasan Reading Comprehension Nomor 42-44.
11.Pembahasan Reading Comprehension Nomor 45-47.
12.Pembahasan Reading Comprehension Nomor 48-50.

12.Pembahasan Reading Comprehension Nomor 48-50.

Questions 48-50 refer to the following text.

A factory is a very big building where things are produced.In factory,machines are used.Therefore, many things can be done more rapidly. In every industrial town, we alsways find factories.

Factories give job for many people.Those who work in factories will get money for their wages. Nowdays almost everything we wear and use has been produced in a factory. Of course, somethings are still made by hand.Factory-made products are usually cheaper than handmade things.

48.What is the text about?
a.People in factory
b.Handmade products
c.Machines in factory
d.The factories

49.What does a factory give to the people?
a.Modern products
b.Working opportunities
c.Cheaper machines
d Handmade things

50."Those who work in factories will get money for their wages."
The underlined word refers to .........

Difficult Words
factory=pabrik/are produced=diproduksi/are used=digunakan/be done=dilakukan/rapidly=cepat/
job=pekerjaan/wages=upah/nowdas=saat sekarang/wear=memakai/are still made=masih dibuat/handmade=buatan tangan/oppurtunities=kesempatan

Pembahasa Nomor 48.menayakan teknya tentang apa?
Jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Pembahasan No 49.Apa yang pabrik berikan kepada orang-orang?
Jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Pembahasan Nomor 50.kata yang bercetak miring (those) ditujukan kemana.............
Jawaban yang tepat C.

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

11.Pembahasan Reding Comprehension Nomor 45-47.

Questions 45-47refer to the following instruction.

First,push the handle down.The plunger rises and creates a vcuum in the cylinder below it.The water rises up inti the pipe.Thecylinder passes the valve.
Then push the handle up.The plunger moves down and the water can not go back through the valve.It opens anothe valve in the plunger t go out of the punp as the plunger rises.
More water is drawn when the handle is moved up and down.

45.What is the instruction about?
a.How a valve opens.
b.How a handle moves.
c.How a plunger rises
d.How a water pump works.

46.What comes outfrom the pump if you push the handle up?
a.The cylinder
b.The plunger
c.The water
d.The valve

47.How many valves are there in the cylinder?
a.One valve
b.Two valves
c.More than two valves
d.Not more than one valve

Difficult Words.
Push=tekan/handle=gagang/plunger=pengisap/valve=katup/pump=pompa/down=kebawah/rises=naik/vacuum=ruang hampa/below=bawah/cylinder=silinder/pipe=pipa

Pembahasan 45.Yang ditanyakan adalan instruksi mengenai apa?
Jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Pembahasan 46.Menanyakan "Apa yang akan keluar dari pompa jika kamu menekan/mendorong gagang keatas?
Jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Pembahasan Nomor 47.Menanyakan jumlah katup yang ada disilinder?
Jawaban yang tepat adalah D

10.Pembahasan Reading Comprehension No 42-44.

Questions 42-44 refer t the following information:

Joan Chen was born in Shanghai in 1961.When she was 14,some people from a film studio came to her school and chose her to learn acting at the studio.She was happy about this chance,butmainly she lked the idea of gettingout of school.Soon ,however,she discovered that she really liked acting.At age 18,she won the Golden Rooster,China's top film award.

42.What is the paragraph about?
a.The idea of being a good film maker.
b.The successful Chinese actress
c.The happiness of Chinese actresses
d.The award nomination for studio school artist.

43.Where did Joan start to learn acting?
a.In Shanghai
b.At her school
c.In a film studio
d.In Golden Rooster

44.The synonym of the word"award" is ......

Pembahasan Nomor 42.Ditanyakan paragrafnya tentang ap?Untuk menjawabnya kita harus membaca secara keseluruhan.Jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Pembahasan Nomor 43.Menanyakan Dimana Joan mulai belajar acting."
Maka untuk menjawabnya kit perhatikan kalimat ini "some people from a film studio came to her school and chose her to learn activity at the studio.
Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah  C.

Pembahasan Nomor 44.Kita disuruh mencari persamaan kata "award".Sebelum kita menjawabnya kita perlu memaham kata-kata ini.
Jadi jawaban yang tepat untuk nomor 44 adalah A.

9. Pembahasan Reading Comprehension Nomor 39-41.

Questions 39-41 refer to the following schedule.

Mr.Judha Herdanta
Senior ccountant

19 June           
Time a.m.
2.11.00 a.m.
3.12.30 p.m.
4.14.45 p.m.
1.Adisucipto Airport
2.Garuda Hotel
3.Lembur Kuring Restaurant
4.Indomarco Co.Ltd
1.Arrive in Yogyakarta
2.Meet Mr.Domas Batara
4.Present new accompany package

20 June
1.10.00-12.00 a.m
2.12.30 p.m.
3.16.45 p.m.

1.Indomarco Co.Ltd.
2.Jayakarta Hotel
3.disucipto Airport

1.Meet senior partners/discuss software development
2.Lunch with Mr.Domas Batara
3.Depart to Jkarta

39.What does the table describe?

a.A meeting time table
b.A client meeting program
c.A person's daily schedule
d.As senior accountant monthly program

40.The following are Judha's program on June 19,EXCEPT.........

a.having lunch
b.leading discussion
c.performing a presentatin
d.meeting Mr.Domas Batara

41."Meet senior partners/discuss software development."
The italic word is synonymous with ....

Pembahasan Nomor 39.Kita bisa melihat didalam tabel tsb ada tgl 19&20.Waktu,tempat dan kejadian.Kita bisa lihat tanggal 19Juni  ada peristiwa atau kejadian apa,begitu juga dengan tanggal 20.
Berarti jawaban yang tepat untuk nomor 39 adalah C.

Pembahasan Nomor 40.Program-praogram Judha pada tanggal 19 Juni sbb:kecuali.........
Untuk menjawabnya kita perlu melihat 1.kolom tanggal.2.kolom event.
Berarti yang tidak termasuk program Judh adalah leading a discussion=memimpin diskusi.
Bearti jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Pembahasan Nomor 41.Kita disuruh mencari persamaan kata evelopment.
Sebelum kita menjawwab terlebih dahulu kita harus tahu arti dari kata development.
Kemudian kita cari arti dari setiap kata yang ada dilalam pilihan jawaban.
Berarti jawaban yang lebih tepat adalah D.

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

8.Pembahasan Reading Comprehension Nomor 36-38.

Questions 36-38 refer to the following memo.

To   :Zainal
Sent   :Monday,March 16,2009.09.00a.m.
Subject:Hasan Basri,Maily Motor.
Mr.Hasan Basri will be visiting our workshop on Thursday,Narch 18.I'd like you to prepare a program for him.He will come in the morning before lunch.
Please start with lunch at "Simpang Raya Restaurant" and then show him our products such as bolts,nuts,screws and others.

36.Who will be the guide?
c.Hasan Basri
d.No one.

37.The main idea of the paragraph is ..........
a.showing the restaurant
b.having lunch
c.coming on time
d.welcoming a guest

Difficult Words

Pembahasan:No.36 menanyakan "Siapa yang akan menjadi pemandu?"(Who will be the guide?)
Nah!sekarang kita perhatikan kalimat "I'd like you to prepare a program for him..
Kata"I"=M.Mukhtar. Kata"you"=Zainal.Kata"him"=Hasan Basri.
Jadi jawaban yang tepat untuk nomor 36 adalah B.

Pembahasan Nomor 37.Kita disuruh menyatakan "ide utama" dari paragraf.Kita perhatikan kalimat kuncinya.
1.Please start with lunch at "Simpang Raya Restaurant".
2.Show him our product.

Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Pembahasan Nomor 38 lihat pembahasan Nomor 36.Jadi jawaban yang tepat B.

7.Pembahasan Error Recognition Nomor 34-35.

That's my brother,Rudi who has darkened hair and fair complexion.

Kata yang harus diperbaiki adalah darjened.Deharusnya dark yaitu berfungsi sebagai kata sifat.Dark hair berarti berambut hitam ,sedangkan darkened berfungsi sebagai kata kerja yang berarti menghitamkan.Letak kata sifat sebelum kata benda.
Contoh:dark hair./an expensive car./a cheap chair./a beautiful girl./a naughty boy.

Number 35.
Salesgirl:That blouse is in season nowdays.That's the last we have in our stock.
Costumer:Should I try it on?I hope it fits me well.
Pembahasan:Kata yang salah adalah should seharusnya May.Ini merupakan ungkapan untuk meminta izin.

Contoh lainnya:
Could I try it on?
Do you mind if I try it on?
I wonder if I could try it on?

6.Pembahasan Error Recognition Nomor 31-33.

Pilihlah salah satu kata atau frase yang bercetak miring yang perlu diperbaiki(salah).

Number 31.
A:Look at these shirts which one do you think is the best for me?

B:It's the red one.It looks small than the others and will fit you.

Pembahasan:Kata sifat kalau diikuti oleh than maka kata sifat tersebut dalam bentuk comparative.(menyatakan lebih).Untuk menyatakan lebih  kata  sifat+er atau bila kata sifat tersebut lebih dari dua suku kata maka ditanbah dengan more sebelum kata sifat.Lihat contoh-contoh dibawah ini:
My book is cheaper than hers.
Tono is taller than Tuti.
My pen is more expensive than his.
Jadi jawaban yang harus diperbaiki adalah C.(small seharusnya smaller).

Number 32.
There are two big black Japanese motorcycles in the parking area.Mine is the one whose has a Spiderman sticker on the tank.It's easy to identify.


Number 33.
Sawung:Should you like to have some candies?
Didi:That's very kind of you.Thank you. 

Pembahasan:Kata yang should,seharusnya would.Ini merupalan ungkapan Penawaran.
1.Would you like to have lunch?
2.ould you like me to carry this bag?
3.Shall I carry this bag for you? 


Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

5.Pembahasan Incomplete Dialogues Nomor 28-30.

Nomor 28.
Erma:............for "Laskar Pelangi" film tonight.
Jihan:Let me check it.Sorry,the ticket is sold out,but the next film's ticket is available.

A.I'd like you show us the tickets
B.We need to return the tickets
C.I'd like to book a ticket
D.You have to obtain a ticket

Difficult Words
sold out:terjual habis
to book:memesan
have to:harus

Pembahasan:Untuk menjawab nomor 28,kita perlu mengetahui arti yang diucapkan oleh Jihan."Let me check it.Sorry,the ticket is sold out,but the next film's ticket is available.(Coba saya periksa.Karcis terjual habis,tetapi karcis untuk film berikutnya masih ada.)
Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk no 28 adalah C.

Nomor 29.
Manager:If you work harder and you speak and write nglish well,you'll have a big chance to go there

A.Will I improve my English better?
B.Do you think I should join English course?
C.Will it be possible for me to have a training abroad?
D.Do you think I can join the football club?

Difficult Words
harder:lebih keras
abroad:luar negri

Pembahasan:Menurut manager jika anda bekerja lebih keras,bicara dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik,kamu mempunyai kesempatan pergi kesana.Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Nomor 30.
Tom:Have you thought about what to do after you finish your study?
Andre:Yes,I have .I think I'd like to be a salesman because...............

A.I am good at persuading people
B.I really like working with kids
CI am a little shy to meet people
D.I love writing articles for magazines

Difficult Words
good at:pandai

Pembahasan:Menurut Andre Ia ingin menjadi Salesman karena............. disini kita disuru memberikan alasannya.Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk nomor 29 adalah A.

4.Pembahasan Incomplete Dialogues Nomor 25-27.

Nomor 25.Bacalah kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini dengan tenang,engga usah terburu-buru.

Nadine:I suggest everyone contribute one million rupiahs for this tour.
Viola:.....I think it's too much for most of us.

A.You are totally right
B.I couldn't agree more
C.Some students are rich
D.I am afraid I have my own opinion

Difficult Words
too much:terlalu mahal
totally right:betul sekali

Pembahasan:Kita perhatikan  apa yang diucapkan Viola....I think it's too much for most of us.Ini merupakan pendapat dari Viola.Berarti kata-kata sebelumya kita isi dengan pernyaaan yang menyatakan pendapat juga.Pilihan untuk menyatakan pendapat yang tepat adalah D.

Nomor 26.
Stranger:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the nearest "BRI" bank from here?
Anita:.......turn right on the cross road.It's on the thisrd building.

A.Sorry,I'm not sure.
B.I knew where the famous bank wass
C.Yes,walk along this ssssstreet
D.Yes,"BRI" bank is very important.

Difficult Words
nearest:paling dekat
turn right:belok kanan
crossroad:persimpangan jalan
walk along:berjalan sepanjang

Pembahasan:"Stranger" minta kasih tahu jalan yang terdekat menuju bank BRI.
Anita memberi tahu jalan menuju bank.Yes,walk along this street.
Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Lihat contoh-contoh dibawah ini:
X:Do you know how to get to to the hospital?
Y:Keep going until you see a traffic light.

X:Excuse me,how can I get to the post office?
Y:Go straight this road until you get the crossroad.

Nomor 27
Rafa:What do you always do in the afternoon?
Seva:I take a rest after coming home from my office.Sometimes I ............ and play some games on it.

A.design a computer program
B.operate the computer
C.turn off my computer
D.fix my computer

Difficult Words
a rest: istirahat
turn off:mematikan

Pembahasan:Yang perlu kita perhatikan adalah kata-kata"Sometimes I .........and play some games on it".
(Kadang-kadang saya ....... dan memainkan ames di komputer).Berarti kalau dia memainkan komputer dalam keadaan menyala.Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

3.Pembahasan Incomplete Dialogues Nomor 22-24.

Number 22.
Susan:This room is dark.I can't read my novel........?

A.Will you open the next page
B.Could you turn on the light
C.Can you close the door
D.Did you see my glasses

Difficult Words
turn on:menyalakan

Pembahasan:oal no 22 kita perlu memahami arti dari kalimat tsb.Diantara 4 pilihan yang lebih tepat adalah B.

Nomor 23.
Mawar:You loook so weak.What's the matter with you?
Melati:I 've got a stomaache .I haven't eaten anything since this morning,but I have a lot of work to do.
Mawar:...........Lunch time is almost over.Work can wait but not health.

A.What about seeing the doctor?
B.How about taking a supplement?
C.What time do you finish working?
D.Whay don't you get something to eat?

Difficult Words
a stomache:sakit perut

Pembahasan:Setelah mendengar penjelasan dari Melati tentang kondisinya,Mawar memberikan saran.Jawaban yang tepat untuk nomor 23 D.

Nomor 24.
Feby:Maa'm,I'd like to invite you to have dinner with my family tonight.
Teacher:Thank you.I wish .....but I'm busy.

A.I will go
B.I have to come
C.I could join you
D.I had visited my family.

Difficult Words
dinner:makan malam

Pembahasan:Wish-sentence mengandung pengertian bahwa kalimat tersebut berlawanan dengan kenyataan.Lihat contoh-contoh berikut:

I wish the meeting were on Saturday.
Saya berharap rapat pada hari Saptu.Kenyataannya bukan hari Saptu.(The meeting is not on Saturday).

I wish I knew the answer.
Faktanya:I don't know the anwer.

I wish I could phone you tomorrow.
Faktanya:I can't phone you tomorrow

I wish I had phoned you yesterday.
Faktanya:I didn't phone you yesterday.

Jadi jawaban yang tepat no 24 C.

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

2.Pembahasan Incomplete Dialogues Nomor 19-21.

Nomor 19.
Usman:There will be a computer exhibition at "JEC" next Monday. ....................
Peter:I'd love to,but I have to help my brother fix his broken water pump.
Usman:That's too bad

A.Could I help you to repair it?
B.Would you receive the invitation?
C.Would you like to see it?
D.Could you tell me where the exhibition is?

Difficult Words
water pump:pompa air

Pembahasan:Pertama-tama yang perlu kita perhatikan adalah response dari Peter."I'd love to,but I have to help my brother fix his broken  water pump".Kalimat tersebut merupakan ungkapan penolakan undangan.Berarti kalimat yang diucapkan oleh Usman harus yang menyatakan Ungkapan Undangan.Jadi isi yang tepat adalah C.

Nomor 20.
Elena:I"ve read your novel.......Will you publish another one?
Mary:My next novel will be published in the next three months.

A.How excellent the writing is!
B.How nice her voice is!
C.What a beautiful handwring!
D.How amazing the colour printing is!

Difficult Words
excellent:baik sekali

Pembahasa:Kalimat "Will you publish another one?Ini merupakan Ungkapan Permohonan(Request).Berarti Elena mempunyai rasa kepuasan ,oleh karena itu ia meminta kepada Mary agar menerbitkan novel yang lain lagi.
"How excellent the writing is! inilah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk menyatakan bahwa mutu tulisan novel Mary bagus.Jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

Nomor 21.
Mella:Uhh.I can't breath in this small hot room.The air conditioner doesn't work.
Ria:.....It may give us fresh air
Mella:It's good idea.Thank you

A.I'll lock the door tightly
B.I'll take you to the right place
C.I'll open the window wide
D.We'll move the door quickly

Difficult Words
fresh air:udara segar
tightly:rapat sekali
quickly:dengan cepat

Pembahasan:Yang perlu kita perhatikan pa yang dikatakan oleh Ria. "....it may give us fresh air".(memberikan udara segar buat kita).Kemudiankita cari didaftar pilihan A,B,C dan D.
Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C.

1.Pembahasan Incomplete Dialogues Nomor 16-18.

Nomor 16.
Yanti:What is your hobby,Nina?
Yanti:How often do you play them in a week?
Nina:At least three times.

A.I like to play badminton
B.One of them is swimming
C.I prefer golf to tennis
D.I love jogging

Difficult Words
at least:paling sedikit
prefer:lebihh suka

Pembahasan:Kita perhatikan terlebih dahulu pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh Yanti."How often do you play them in a week?"
Kuncinya adalah kata them,berarti dalam bentuk jamak.Setelah itu kita cari kata jamak yang ada dipiliha A,B,C dan D, yaitu badminton dan tennis.
Berarti jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

Nomor 17.
Recepcionist:What can I do for you,sir?
Guest:Can I talk to your manager,please?

A.Certainly.You can talk to me anytime
B.Don't worry.I can meet you now
C.Sorry,I am busy right now
Just one moment,please.

Difficult Words

Pembahasan:Kalimat"Can I talk to your manager,please?Ini merupakan ungkapan minta izin.Jadi "guest" minta ijin ingin bicara kepada manager.
Jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Nomor 18.
Anita:Hi,Fahri.How was your trip to Bali?
Fahri:.... I really had a great time.
Anita:Lucky you.

A.It was terrific
B.The bus was bad
C.The food was boring
D.The weather was terrible

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Pembahasan Ujian Listening B.Inggris SMK 2009.

Ujian Listening Bahasa Inggris telah  diselenggarakan pada tanggal 21 April 2009.Sebanyak 15 soal diujikan yang terdiri dari 4 bagian (part).

Part I Pictures.Soal no 1-3.Siswa diminta memilih pernyataan yang benar sesuai dengan gambar.
IPart I Question Responses.Soal no 4-7.Siswa diminta memberikan jawaban yang benar berdasarkan pada pertanyaan yang diajukan.
Part III.Short Conversation.Soal no8-11.Setelah mendengarkan percakapan siswa diminta memberikan jawaban berdasarkan pertanyaan yang ada dilembar soal.
Part IV.Short Talks.Soal no.12-15.Setelah mendengarkan monolog ,siswa diminta memberikan jawaban berdasarkan pertanyaan yang ada dilembaran tsb.

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

Part IV. Short Talks

Ini merupakan bagian terakhir dari Ujian Listening .Anda diminta mendengarkan sebanyak 2x.Setiap pertanyaan akan diikuti empat pilihan:A,B,C dan D.Anda tinggal memilih salah satu jawaban yang anda anggap benar.

Listen carefully:

Cakes by Anita.Now offers cakes for your offer birthday party,retirement party or others special office function.And  remember Anitas can customize your cake with any message or design that you like. Also available are our delicious coffee rolls ad donuts for those early morning meetings.So, call Anitas from 6 a.m.to 3 p.m. and don' forget we deliver.

Number 12.
What can be inferred about this product?

A.Anita's cakes can be made to suit special occasions.
B.Anita's cakes are available 24 hours a day.
C.The product is offered by Anita.
D.The product is sold at the office.

Number 13.
What can Anita's cake provide for early morning meetings?

A.Coffee rolls and donuts
B.Pies and cakes
C.Donuts and pies
D.Coffee and tea

Difficult Words
is offered:ditawarkan
be inferred:disimpulkan
is sold:dijual
suit:cocok/sesuai untuk

Pembahasan Number 12.
Kita lihat pertanyaannya."What can be inferred about this product?(Apa yang dapat disimpulkan mengenai produk ini?).Unruk menjawabnya maka kita perlu  mendengarkan kalimat "And remember Anitas can customize your cake with any message or design that you like.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

Pembahasan Number 13.
Pahamilah terlebih dahulu pertanyaan dibawah ini.
"What can Anita's cake provide for early morning meetings?"
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tsb. kita perlu mendengarkan teks kalimat "Also available are our delicius coffee rolls and donuts for those early morning meetings.
Jadi jawaban no 13 adalah A.

Listen carefully!

Hello passengers!  a flight 17 Downvour Caracas with sto in Atlanta and Miami.The departure gate has been
changed to 30 B.Also there will  be a slight departure delay due to inclement weather . The ground crew is in process of the icing the wings in preparation for departure.We should be boarding soon.Thamk you for your patience.

Number 14.
What change has been announced?
A.The flight number
B.The gate number
C.The arrival time
D.The boarding pass

Number 15.
What is the current weather condition?
A.It's raining
BIt's cloudy
C.It's windy
D.It's icy

Difficult Words.
departure gate=pintu pemberangkatan
has been changed=dirubah
due to=disebabkan
inclement weather=cuaca buruk
boarding pass=tiket untuk naik
has been announced=diumumkan
arrival time=waktu kedatangan

Pembahasan nomor.14.
Bacalah terlebih dahulu pertanyaan berikut ini"What change has been announced?".Perubahan apa yang telah diumumkan?.Untuk mencari jawabannya kita perlu mendengarkan kalimat ini."The departure gate has been changed to 30 B."
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Pembahasan nomor.15.
Perlu kita perhatikan pertanyaan "What is the the current weather condition?".(Komdisi cuaca sekarang?")
Coba kita perhatikan teks kalimat "The ground crew is in process of the icing".
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Part III. Short Conversation

Dengarkanlah percakapan ini sebanyak 2x.Setelah itu luhatlah lembaran soal,lebih bagus lagisebelum anda mendengarkan percakapan lihat lebih dahulu pertanyaan  dilembar soal.

Number 8.
Man:Hello!I'm Herry Shepperd.I really enjoy your lecture
Woman:Hi.!Herry.I'm glad you like it.Thank you.
Man:I wish I could read your book.

What did the man do?
A.He gave a lecture
B.He introduced himself
CHe thanked the woman
D.He read the woman's book

Difficult Words

Perlu kita perhatikan kalimat ""I'm Herry Shepperd".Ini merupakan ungkapan "self introduction".(perkenalan diri).Jawaban yang tepat B.

Number 9.

Woman:Are you going to the gym now?
Man:No,I've got a soccer game tonight.We play everyweek  and have  a lot of fun.How about you?Do you play any sports?
Woman:I usually play tennis  once or twice a week?

What kind of sport does the man likely to play?

Difficult Words.
gym:gedung olah raga
a soccer:sepak bola
likely:kemungkinan besar

Perlu kita perhatikan kalimat pertanyaan "What kind of sport does the man likely to play?"
Jawaban yang tepat B.

Number 10.
Man:Which one do you think would be better for me a motorbike or a car?
Woman:I think a motorcycle will be suitable for you?

What will the man probably buy?
A.A car
B.A bicycle
C.A motorbike
D.A mobile phone

Difficult Words
better:lebih baik


Perlu kita perhatikanpertanyaan yang ada dilembar soal"What will the man probably buy?"(Apa yang pria itu kemungkinan akan beli).
Untuk menjawabnya kita perlu melihat pendapat woman."I think a motocycle will be suitable for you?".
Jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Number 11.

Woman:May I help you,sir?
Man:Yes,can I get a cup of coffee?
Woman:Coffee is served only in the lobby on the first floor.

What does the man want?
A.His hotel bill
B.A cup of coffee
C.A business partner
C.The first coffee break

Dificult Words
is served:disajikan

Pembahasan:ertama kita perhatikan terlebih dahulu pertanyan "What does the man want?".Apa yang pria itu inginkan?.
Untuk menjawabnya maka kita lihat jawaban dari pria. "Yes,can I get a cup of coffee.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Part II. Question - Responses.

Yang perlu anda perhatikan,pahamilah setiap pertanyaan begitu juga dengan response  A,B dan C.

Number 4.

Man:Your room looks very dirty.How about if I help you clean it up?

A.That's very kind you
B.I've just bought a new vacuum cleaner
C.I've already washed the clothes

Difficult Words.


Perlu kita perhatikan kalimat pertanyaan "How about if I help you clean it up?".Ini merupakan ungkapan menawarkan bantuan.

Jawaban yang tepat A.

Number 5.

Woman:Would you prefer to get a job or continue studying?

A.You can work after sudying
B.I prefer working if possible
C.Yes,I would go to university

Difficult Words.
prefer:lebih suka
get a job:memperoleh pekerjaan

Lihat pertanyaan "Would you prefer to get a job or continue studying?".Ini ertanyaan yang menyatakan lebih suka."Kamu lebih suka memperoleh pekerjaan atau melanjutkan belajar?"

Jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Number 6.

Man:Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?

A.I'd love to,thanks
B.Yes,the show is over
C.We had ten and dinner last night

Difficult Words
come over:datang
the show:pertunjukkan
dinner:makan malam

Kalimat "Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?".Ini merupakan ungkapan undangan.Bila orang mengundang maka ada dua kemungkinan  menerima dan menolak undangan.
Jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

Number 7.

Woman:Can you tell me where South street is,please?

A.Yes,he lives on South Street
B.Yes it's about five minutes walk in that direction
C.No,you can't turn around there because of the flood

Difficult Words
turn around.berputar

Kalimat:Can you tell where south street is ,please?" merupakan ungkapan untuk menanyakan arah.
Ada ungkapan lainnya yang bisa kita gunakan:
1.Can you direct me to south Street is,please?
2.Do you know how to get to south street?
3.Please tell methe way to get to south street from here.

Jawaban yang tepat adalah B


Part I Pictures

Anda diminta untuk mendengarkan setiap soal sebanyak 2x.Pahamilah setiap kalimat yang diucapkan.Walaupun belum 2x diperdengarkan bila anda yakin ada satu kalimat yang sesuai dengan gambar,maka pilihlah jawabannya.

Number 1.
A.The woman is pushing the man
B.They are trying to climb up the mountain
C.The man is smiling happily
d.The man is holding a stick

Difficult Words.
climb up:mendaki

Jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Number 2.
A.The glasses are between the table
B.There is some fruit on the plate
C.The chairs are next to the window
D.The fruit is among the glasses

Difficult Words.
next to:disebelah

Jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Number 3.
A.The woman is not wearing a hat
B.They are all wearing sun glasses
C.The two men wear jacket
D.The woman is holding a camera

Difficult Words
sun glasses:kacamata hitam

Jawaban yang tepat A.