Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

7.Latihan Listening Ungkapan Keluhan.

Ungkapan Keluhan.

Number One.
Man       : I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience.
Woman  : It's okay. Sometimes this thing happened.

6.Latihan Listening Ungkapan Kegiatan

Ungkapan-Ungkapan Kegiatan.

1. Woman: When will the plane arrive?
     Man     : At 4.30. according to the schedule.

2. Woman: Did you know that we are going to have a new manager?
     Man    : Yes, he will introduce himself today.

3.Man       : What time does this electronic store open?
    Woman: As far as I know it opens at 5 p.m.

4. Woman:  You study at school from 7 to 3 everyday, don't you?
     Man    :  Yes, we spend 8 hours a day at school.

5.Latihan Listening Ungkapan Pendapat.

Ungkapan-Ungkapan Pendapat beserta Responnya.

1. Man      : I think this painting is so beautiful, it is so alive. What do you think?
    Woman : I agree with you.

2. Man      : I think this chicken spicy is so delicious.
    Woman : I don't think so. It is too hot for me.

3. Man      ;  I think English is an interesting subject.
    Woman :  I suppose so.

4. Man      : I think this film is not good. It's a complete waste of money.
    Woman : No, I don't think so..

4.Latihan Listening Ungkapan Saran/Nasehat.

Untuk Listening Question Response 5 berisi ungkapan-ungkapan Saran/Nasehat.

1. Woman:  John looks so pale and has a fever.
     Man     : He should see a doctor.

2. Man      : Working with the computer for a long time made me sick.
    Woman : You should take a rest then.

3. Man      : Oh! I have a terrible toothache.
    Woman : You had better take this pill.

4. Woman : I feel tired.
     Man     : You had better lie down.

5. Woman : My eyes are sore.
     Man     : You should stop reading and rest.

6. Woman : I don't feel well.
     Man     : You had better not go to school.

7. Woman : I've got a headache and a sore throat.
     Man     : You should consult the doctor soon!

8. Man      : I'm concerned about my weight.
    Woman : You should go on diet.

9. Man      : I'm concerned about my blood pressure.
    Woman : You should stop eating salty and foods.

10.Man     : Could you recommend a good restaurant around here?
     Woman:  Yes, there is one at the corner.

11.Man      : Where should we meet so we can all go to the game together?
     Woman ; Let's meet at the stadium entrance.

12.Man      : Should I wait here at the counter or follow you back to the warehouse?
     Woman : Oh, come with me please.

3.Latihan Listening Ungkapan Menanyakan Arah.

Latihan ini khusus untuk ungkapan-ungkapan menanyakan arah/lokasi.
Silahkan Anda baca baca dengan suara keras dan tidak usah tergesa-gesa.

1. Man     : Excuse me! I am looking for a travel agent around here. Do you have any idea where it is?
    Woman: I'm sorry. I'm a stranger  myself.

2. Woman : Which way is the nearest  money changer from here?
     Man     : There is one at the end of the street.

3. Woman  : Could you show me the way to the post office?
    Man       : Sure.It is just two blocks from here on the left.

4. Man       : Can you show me where the post office is?
    Woman  : It's at the corner of the street.

5. Woman  : I'm sorry to bother you. I'm looking for the nearest internet cafe.
    Man       : Just go down the street and it sounds the right.

2 Latihan Listening Ungkapan Undangan

Anda diminta untuk membacakan kalimat-kalimat ungkapan Undangan berikut dengan responnya.Bacalah dengan suara keras sambil dihayati artinya.

Number One.
X; Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?
Y: I'd love to, thanks.

Number Two.
X: Roni, would you like to come to my school party tomorrow night?
Y: Really,I'd love to.

Number Three.
X: Rani, I'd like to invite you to come to my engagement party on Sunday.
Y I'd love to come. Thanks.

Number Four.
X: Anto, do you happen to be free tomorrow? I wonder whether you could come to my birthday party?
Y: I'd love to, but I,m afraid I can't.

Number Five.
X: Lina, would you come to go to the theatre?
Y: It would be nice.

Number Six.
X: How about having lunch together?
Y: That would be interesting,but I have no time.

Number Seven.
X: Nina,if you are free next week,would you mind coming to my house?
Y: I'd like to,but I've already planned to visit my parents. Thanks anyway.

Number Eight.
X: I wonder wether you could come to my party.
Y: I wish I could, but I have an important thing to do.

Number Nine.
X: I really like the computer exhibition. Would you like to come along with me?
Y: Thank you, but I have another program.

Number Ten.
X: Do you have any plan for next Saturday? I'd like to invite you to our charity concert.
Y: It would be great.

Response undangannya ada yang menerima dan ada yang menolak. Jadi anda perlu perhatikan jawaban responnya.

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

1.Latihan Listening Ungkapan Menawarkan Bantuan.

Latihan Listening Question Response 1 berisi ungkapan-ungkapan menawarkan bantuan.Anda diminta untuk membaca kalimat tersebut dengan suara keras berikut responsnya.Mudah-mudahan dengan sering berlatih 
kemampuan Anda semakin meningkat.

1.Woman: Mr.Yusuf is out of the moment.Can I help you?
    Man    : Can I leave a message then.

   Bacalah kalimat diatas tersebut minimal 2 x, kemudian Anda biisa lanjutkan kekalimat berikutnya.

2. Man     : Good afternoon. Sriwijaya Service Station. Can I help you?
    Woman: I'd like to have my car engine check.

3. Woman: Would you like me to bring you a V.C.D. tonight?
     Man    : That would be lovely.

4. Man      : Can I help you with your suitcase?
    Woman : Oh,that's very kind of you. Thank you very much.

5. Man      : Shall I bring you a drink?
    Woman : No,thank you.

6. Man      : Would you like me to send your package immediately?
    Woman : That would be lovely.

7. Man      : Let me book the hotel room for you?
    Woman : No,thank you.

8. Man      : Can I bring you a glass of cold water?
    Woman : That would be lovely.

9. Man      : Would you like me to carry your heavy bag?
    Woman : Yes,please.

10.Man     : Do you need me to accompany you?
     Woman: I will be very grateful.

Bila selesai Anda bisa lanjutkan ke Latihan Listening Question Response 2. Selamat berlatih !

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Latihan Listening Picture.

            Ujian Listening Bahasa Inggris bikin kepala pusing, apalagi kalau kita jarang latihan. Biar volume tapenya hampir habis tetap ajama  masih engga nangkap. Istilahnya masih blong.
             Untuk memudahkan para siswa-siswi SMK yang mengikuti ujian .Penulis memberikan latihan  Listening Picture dengan cara membaca. Semoga langkah ini ada manfaatnya bagi  siswa-siswi.
Latihan Listening Picture ini dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian:

Listening Picture 1. Anda diminta untuk membacakan frase-frase dengan suara keras sambil mengartikan didalam hati.
Listening Picture 2. Sama dengan Listening Picture 1.
Listening Picture 3. Anda diminta untuk membacakan frase dengan pola  Verv+ing+preposition
Listening Picture 4. Anda diminta untuk membacakan kalimat  demi kalimat  dengan suara keras sambil mengartikan di dalam hati.
Listening Picture 5. Anda diminta untuk membaca kalimat kalimat  pasif dengan suara keras sambil mengartikannya didalam hati.
Listening Picture 6. Ini merupakan Listening picture yang terakhir dengan pola : There is/There are.

Semoga Latihan Listening ini membawa manfaat.

1. Bahan - Bahan Ujian Nasional mulai tahun 2002 -2011.
2.Alexander,L.G.1984. FIRST THING FIRST. Yogya karta :Kanisius.
3. Alexander, L.G. 1991. PRACTICE AND PROGRESS. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
4. Ashomore Elizabet, 1991. 30 DAYS TO THE TOEIC TEST.Canada : Educational Testing Service.

Listening Picture 6.

Ini merupakan latihan listening picture yang terakhir. Di latihan ini anda diminta untuk membaca kalimat-kalimat yang terdiri dari :

There is diikuti benda tunggal/benda tidak dapat dihitung.
There are diikuti benda jamak.

Mari kita baca dengan suara keras kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini:

Number One.
a. There is a computer monitor on the table
b. There is a lot of stuff on the desk
c. There is a traffic jam on the street
d. There is some fruit on the plate

Number Two.
a. There are some photographs on the table
b. There are hammers on the table
c. There are some cars in front of the repair shop
d. There are some cars in front of the repair shop

Number Three.
a. There is an electric organ in front of the television
b. There is a blnket on the table
c. There is a television set in front of the bed
d. There is a dispenser between a television and an electric organ

Number Four.
a. There are some stereoheadphones on the bookshelf
b. There are some glasses between the tables
c. There are some chairs next to the window
d. There are some cars in front of that building

Untuk yang lainnya anda  bisa lanjutkan sendiri.

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Listening Pictur 5.

Sekarang Anda berada di Listening Picture 5. Silahkan berlatih untuk mengucapkan kalimat - kalimat Passive sambil mengartikannya.

Pola-Pola Kalimat  sbb:
Subject+to be (am,is,are)+being+verb 3.
The milk is being drunk.
(Susu ssedang diminum)

Two computers are being repaired.
(Dua komputer sedang diperbaiki)

Subject+will be+verb 3.
The letter will be sent tomorrow morning.
(Surat akan dikirim  besok pagi)

The milk will be drunk  tomorrow.
(Susu akan diminum besok)

The milk is drunk every morning.
(Susu diminum setiap pagi)

The computers are repaired every year.
(Komputer diperbaiki setiap tahun)

Setelah Anda melihat contoconto yang ada mari sama-sama kita berlatih:

Number One.
a. The patient is being examined
b. The man is being pushed
c. The computer is being operated
d. The computer is being opened

Number Two.
a. The camera is being held
b. The song is being song
c. The hat is being worn
d. The hospital is being left

Number Three.
a. The tape recorder is put beside white board
b. The computer monitor is put on the table
c. A small bag is used to put old things
d. The cars are parked in the garage

Number Four.
a. The tree will be planted 
b. The traditional dresses will be worn
c. The painting will be hung on a wall
d. The tablecloth will be removed

Number Five.
a. The house is being decorated
b. The stick is being held
c. The music is being played
d. Dinner is being served

Number Seven.
a. The man is being pushed
b. The mountain is being climbed
c. The picture is being studied
d. The window is being opened

Baca ya dengan keras.

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Listening Picture 4.

Setelah Anda selesai mengerjakan Listening Picture 3, silahkan lanjutkan Listening Picture 4,yang menyatakan kegiatan sedang berlangsung.
Pola Kalimat ini adalah : Subject+ tobe (am,is,are)+verb+ing.
Silahkan Anda baca dengan suara keras dan artikan kalimat-kalimatnya.

Number One.
a. The lady is singing
b. The security guard is standing
c. The girl is painting
d. The referee is jumping

Number Two.
a. The pedestrians are crossing
b. The visitors are praying
c. The patients are sitting
d.The men are smiling

Number Three.
a. The children are swimming
b. The workers are working
c. The mother is cooking
d. They are studying

Number Four
a. The lady is singing a song
b. The girls are serving dinner
c. They're wearing sunglasses
d. He's wearing a raincoat

Number Five.
a. The woman is pushing the man
b. The two boys are playing music
c. The reporter is questioning the audience
d. Many people are having a party

Number Six.
a. The painter is working
b. They are studying
c. The man is talking
d. The girl is reading

Number Seven.
a. She is holding a piece of paper
b. The men are wearing hats
c. The girl is caring for a child
d. The men are setting a table

Number Eight.
a. A man is pulling a cable
b. She's using a microphone
c. The passengers are boarding the bus
d. The passenders are getting off the bus

Number Nine.
a. Several students are making a presentation
b. The person is using a shovel
c. The person is using a rake
d. The two men are eating fish

Number Ten.
a. The customer is buying something
b. The man is using a screwdriver
c. The group is discussing something
d. The musician is playing the violin.

Sampai disini untuk selanjutnya bisa ke Listening Picture 5.

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Listening Picture 3.

Setelah anda mengikuti Latihan Listening 2, bisa dilanjutkan ke Listening Picture 3.
Latihan ini terdiri dari kata kerja ditambah ing kemudian diikuti pereposition.Anda bisa lihat nanti dari nomor 1 s/d 7.

Number One.

a. Standing in the queue
b. Swimming in the lake
c. Sitting behind the patient
d. Performong on the stage

Number Two.

a. Standing in a row.
b. Fishing in the river
c. Running by the river
d. Gathering around the train

Number Three

a. Waiting at the traffic light
b. Working on the roof
c. Lying on the river bank
d. Standing behind the desk

Number Four

a. Walking around the city park
b. Sailing on the river
c. Standing at the repai shop
d. raining on the mountain

Number Five

a. Singing on the stage
b. Sitting on the river bank
c. standing behind the desk
d. sitting near the tree

Number Six

a. Running across the grass
b. Flying over the river
c. Walking along the road
d. Waiting for a bus

Number Seven.

a. Reading in the living room
b. Dancing on the football field
c. Swimming in the sea
d. Working in a factory

Untuk sementara waktu sampai disini nanti bisa kita sambung ke Listening Picture 4.

Sumber: Sama deng Listening Picture 1 dan 2.

Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Listening Picture 2.

Setelah selesai mengerjakan Listening Picture 1,anda bisa melanjutkan ke Listening Picture.
Pada dasarnya Listening Picture 1 dengan 2 adalah sama.Jadi nyantainya aja membacanya.
Mari kita mulai dari .........

Number One.

a. examining the merchandise
b. moving the furniture
c. copying a document
d. signing a contract

Number Two.

a. using a microphone
b. pulling a cable
c. tasting the food
d. carrying an umbrella

Number Three.

a. withdrawing money
b. watching a movie
c. moving the luggage
d. setting a table

Number Four.

a. washing the dishes
b. sweeping the bedroom
c. questioning the audience
d. having lunch

Number Five

a. paying the bill
b. preparing breakfast
c. shutting the door
d.crossing the road

Number Six

a. climbing a tree
b. planting a tree
c. feeding the animal
d. jumping the fence

Number Seven.

a. fixing the computer
b. leaving the restaurant
c. bringing the luggage
d. preparing meal

Number Eight.

a. carrying a boy
b. removing the table cloth
c. counting money
d. cleaning the engine

Number Nine.

a. leaving the building
b. pushing the button
c. wearing gloves
d. writing a receipt

Number Ten.

a. drinking water
b. wearing a tie
c. selling computers
d. opening a suitcase

Setelah nomor 10 anda bisa istirahat terlebih dahulu nanti bisa kita sambung lagi
Selamat bertemu kembali di Listeting Picture 3.


1. Soal-Soal U.N. B.Inggris dari tahun 2003-2010.
2. Alexander,L.G. 1984. FIRST THINGS FIRST.Yogyakarta:Kanisus.
3. Alexander,L.G. 1991. PRACTICE AND PROGRESS. Yogyakarta:Kanisus.
4. Ashmore Elizabeth. 1991. 30 DAYS TO THE TOEIC TEST.
    Canada : Educational Testing Service.

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Listening Picture 1.

Untuk memudahkan anda mendengarkan Listening Picture yang ada di Ujian Listening, maka ada baiknya latihan terlebih dahulu bagian ini.Penulis yakin setelah anda mengikuti Latihan ini maka  akan terasa lebih mudah bila dibandingkan tanpa latihan.
Ucapkan frase ini dengan suara keras dan perhatikan artinya.
Pola latihan ini adalah  Verb+ing + Noun.

Number One.
a. pushing the man
b.eating fish
c.painting flowers
d.serving dinner

Number Two.
a.holding a camera
b.wearing a hat
c.making a presentation
d.singing a song

Number Three.
a.using a screwdriver
b.fixing the machine
c.drawing the nail
d.cutting hair

Number Four.
a.turning on the computer
b.looking for a job
c.waiting for guests
d.switching on the light

Number Five.
a.signing the agreement
b.reserving a room
c.cancelling the order
d.wearing a jacket

Number Six.
a.digging the ground
b.operating a computer
c.holding  a flag
d.preparing meal

Baca saja terus jika anda merasa bosan istirahat sebentar,tapi ingat  lanjutkan lagi.

Number Seven.
a.checking the engine a table
c.making a reservation
d.playing the violin

Numbeer Eight.
a.bringing a blanket
b.examining the patient
c.dusting the furniture
d.painting the wall

Number Nine.
a.touching the screen
b.holding sunglasses
c.leaving the hospital
d.looking at the wall

Number Ten.
a.wearing sunglasses
b.holding a stick
c.talking to the woman
d.studying a picture.

Untuk sementara sampai disini dulu nanti kita sambung lagi.

1. Soal-soal Ujian Nasional dari tahun 2003-2011.
2. Practice And Progress.
3. First Thing First.