Kepada para siswa-siswi SMK,sekitar bulan April 2012 Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggis akan
dilaksanakan,berarti tinggal empat bulan lagi. Empat bulan bukanlah waktu yang lama bila dibandingkan
dengan banyaknya materi yang akan diujikan.
Berdasarkan Standar Kompetensi Lulusan materi yang akan diujikan sbb:
I.LISTENING :Sebanyak 15 soal akan diujikan yang terdiri dari empat bagian :
1. Menentukan pernyataan lisan tentang kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung ,sesuai dengan gambar.
2. Menentukan pernyataan lisan tentang lokasi suatu benda , sesuai dengan gambar.
3. Menentukan pernyataan tentang penampilan (ciri-ciri fisik) seseorang sesuai dengan gambar.
1. Menentukan respons yang tepat terhadap ungkapan saran , pilihan, undangan, dan arah/lokasi
yang diberikan secara lisan.
1.Menentukan gambaran umum ,informasi tersurat,informasi tersirat dari percakapan singkat tentang
perkenalan,kegiatan sehari-hari,rencana, dan perbandingan yang diberikan secara lisan.
1. Menentukan gambaran umum dan informasi tersurat dari sebuah iklan radio monolog singkat.
2. Menentukan gambaran umum dan informasi tersirat dari sebuah pengumuman singkat yang diberikan secara lisan
II. READING Sebanyak 35 soal yang akan diujikan terdiri dari tiga bagian:
1.Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan hobi dan minat.
2. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan hobi dan minat.
3. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengn kejadian masa lampau
4 Menetukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan undangan
5. menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pujian
6. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan keluhan
7. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan perintah/permohonan.
8. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhungan dengan pengandaian.
9. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan persetujuan/ketidak setujuan.
10.Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemberian arah dan lokasi.
11.Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan rutin/sehari-hari.
12.Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemesanan.
13.Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kemungkinan.
14.Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan seseorang/sesuatu.
1. Menentukan ungkapan perbandingan benda/orang.
2. Menentukan ungkapan deskripsi benda(adjective clause)
3. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan penawaran/persuasi.
4. Menentukan ungkapan deskripsi fisik seseorang (physical appearance)
5. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemberian/permohonan perizinan.
6. Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengn perasaan seseorang.
1. Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat ,pikiran utama, dan rujukan kata dari surat bisnis.
2. Menentukan gmbaran umum, informasi rinci tersurat, dan sinonim kata tertentu dari teks singkat tentang pengalaman kerja seseorang.
3. Menentukan gambaarn umum, informasi rinci tersurat, dan informasi rinci tersurat, dan informasi tersirat dari sebuah teks prosedur.
4.Menentukan gambaran umum, informasi tersirat, dan rujukan kata dari teks singkat tentang deskripsi sebuah benda/tempat.
Silahkan Anda cari semua ungkapan-ungkapan ada di blog ini!
Minggu, 18 Desember 2011
Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011
Pembahasan Ujian Nasional B.Inggris Thn 2011.
Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris tela dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 April,2011.Ujian Nasional B.Inggris terdiri dari Listening Section dan Reading Section.
Listening Section sebanyak 15 soal meliputi:
Part I. Pictures (4 soal)
Part II. Questions-Responses (4 soal)
Part III. Short Conversations (3soal)
Part IV. Short Talks (4 soal)
Reading Section sebanyak 35 soal meliputi :
Incomplete Dialogues (15 soal)
Errosr Recognition (5 soal)
Reading Comprehension (15 soal)
Listening Section sebanyak 15 soal meliputi:
Part I. Pictures (4 soal)
Part II. Questions-Responses (4 soal)
Part III. Short Conversations (3soal)
Part IV. Short Talks (4 soal)
Reading Section sebanyak 35 soal meliputi :
Incomplete Dialogues (15 soal)
Errosr Recognition (5 soal)
Reading Comprehension (15 soal)
Choose the best answer , A,B,C, or D to each question.
Questions 37 to 39 refer to the following chart.
Number 37.
What does the chart show?
A.The students who did not graduate?
B. The writer's first interview.
B. The students of community cpllege?
C. SMK student's activities after that they graduate.
D. Unemployed students.
Number 38.
How many graduates become entrepreneurs?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
Number 39.
What do the two fifths of SMK Grafika graduates do?
A. Unknown
B. Getting a job
C. Running own business
D. Studying in a community college
Questions 40 to 42 refer to the following text.
The Assembly Line Worker
In 1949,when I was 13, my family managedto escapeChina, and a year later, we made our way to New York City. My first years in America was spent on learning and trying to get by in school. But by my senior year, I was near the top of the class.
Still, I was nervous as I looked for work that summer. I had never been interviewed for a job. But my father was out of work, and I had to help support the family. I looked through the want ads every morning and was called to arrange appointment. Finally, I found a job on the assembly-line at the Swingline,Inc.Staplers factory in Long Island City (in New York City). Placing little red top on tiny staplers was boring, but it was great to earn $40 a week.
The most important job I ever held was my first job on an assembly-line. The minumum wage may not have been glamorous, but it gave me independence and enabled me to help the family.
(taken from journey-2 by Lebauer,1977).
Number 40.
What is the main topic of paragraph 2?
A. The writer's first job.
B. The writer's first interview
C. The writer's father
D. The writer's most important job.
Number 41.
When did the writer and his family make their way to New York City?
A. In 1950.
B. In 1977.
C. When he was 13 years old.
D. When he was 40 years old.
Number 42.
"..........., but it gave me independence and enabled..........."(paragraph 3).The underlined word refers to.....
A. assembly-line.
B. first work
C. glamorous.
D. minimum wage.
Questions 43 to 45 refer to the following text.
The PR Manager,
Garuda Hotel
1 Maliboro Street,
Dear Sir,
I would like to tell you that that our PR and HR managers, Ms Riani Sukma and Mr. Ari Bintarto , will attend a meeting in Yogyakarta on January 21 st, 2010 and stay there for three days.
We should be glad if you will reserve accommodation for them;29 (two) single rooms with 2(two) bathrooms.
Please let us have an early confirmation of this booking.
Yours faithfully,
Hotel Toegoe Malang
Ponty Yuniar Risgiyanto
43. What is the purpose of the letter?
A. To send two managers to Yogyakarta for a meeting.
B. To book rooms in Garuda Hotel.
C. To reconfirm the room reservation.
D. To offer a hotel accomodation.
44. Who will join a conference in Yogyakarta?
A. Mr.Ponty Yuniar Risgiyanto.
B. The PR Manager of Garuda Hotel.
C. Mrs. Sukma and Mr.Bintarto
D. The Maanagers of hotels in Yogyakarta.
45. "We should be glad if you reserve..."
The boldtype word is closest in meaing to ............
Questions 37 to 39 refer to the following chart.
Number 37.
What does the chart show?
A.The students who did not graduate?
B. The writer's first interview.
B. The students of community cpllege?
C. SMK student's activities after that they graduate.
D. Unemployed students.
Number 38.
How many graduates become entrepreneurs?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
Number 39.
What do the two fifths of SMK Grafika graduates do?
A. Unknown
B. Getting a job
C. Running own business
D. Studying in a community college
Questions 40 to 42 refer to the following text.
The Assembly Line Worker
In 1949,when I was 13, my family managedto escapeChina, and a year later, we made our way to New York City. My first years in America was spent on learning and trying to get by in school. But by my senior year, I was near the top of the class.
Still, I was nervous as I looked for work that summer. I had never been interviewed for a job. But my father was out of work, and I had to help support the family. I looked through the want ads every morning and was called to arrange appointment. Finally, I found a job on the assembly-line at the Swingline,Inc.Staplers factory in Long Island City (in New York City). Placing little red top on tiny staplers was boring, but it was great to earn $40 a week.
The most important job I ever held was my first job on an assembly-line. The minumum wage may not have been glamorous, but it gave me independence and enabled me to help the family.
(taken from journey-2 by Lebauer,1977).
Number 40.
What is the main topic of paragraph 2?
A. The writer's first job.
B. The writer's first interview
C. The writer's father
D. The writer's most important job.
Number 41.
When did the writer and his family make their way to New York City?
A. In 1950.
B. In 1977.
C. When he was 13 years old.
D. When he was 40 years old.
Number 42.
"..........., but it gave me independence and enabled..........."(paragraph 3).The underlined word refers to.....
A. assembly-line.
B. first work
C. glamorous.
D. minimum wage.
Questions 43 to 45 refer to the following text.
Hotel Toegoe Malang
Jl. Tugu 3 Malang East Java
January 3 rd,2010
The PR Manager,
Garuda Hotel
1 Maliboro Street,
Dear Sir,
I would like to tell you that that our PR and HR managers, Ms Riani Sukma and Mr. Ari Bintarto , will attend a meeting in Yogyakarta on January 21 st, 2010 and stay there for three days.
We should be glad if you will reserve accommodation for them;29 (two) single rooms with 2(two) bathrooms.
Please let us have an early confirmation of this booking.
Yours faithfully,
Hotel Toegoe Malang
Ponty Yuniar Risgiyanto
43. What is the purpose of the letter?
A. To send two managers to Yogyakarta for a meeting.
B. To book rooms in Garuda Hotel.
C. To reconfirm the room reservation.
D. To offer a hotel accomodation.
44. Who will join a conference in Yogyakarta?
A. Mr.Ponty Yuniar Risgiyanto.
B. The PR Manager of Garuda Hotel.
C. Mrs. Sukma and Mr.Bintarto
D. The Maanagers of hotels in Yogyakarta.
45. "We should be glad if you reserve..."
The boldtype word is closest in meaing to ............
Questions 31 to 36, choose the inappropriate in the sentences below and choose the best word or phrase to substitute it.
Number 31.
Syuli : What do you think of the speech delivered by Mr.Smith?
Salwa : I think it's motivated. We can take lessons of it. we can take lessons of it.
A. thought of
B. delivering
C. motivsting
D. took
Number 32.
Guest : Good morning, we're from Lion Motor Club.
Manager : Welcome to the villager's production of helmet. We give you better products and as good quality
than others .We guarantee your money back.
A. they're
B. gave
C. as.
D. guaranted
Number 33.
Customer : What does this diamond ring cost?
Clerk : Oh, that's Rp 1,750,000.00
Customer : That's quite expensive. May you give it for Rp 1,250,000.00
Customer : That's too low. I'll let you have it for Rp 1,500,000.00.
A. do
B. expense
C. can
D. them
Number 34.
News articles try to present only facts. The editorial page is the section of the newspaper who news
are given the opportunity to express their opinions about recent events policies and community
A. which
B. were
C. them
D. activity
Number 35.
Teacher : Who is that boy? He have kinky short black hair.
Amir : He is my friend from Papua.
A. which
B. has
C. she
Number 36.
Andrew : I found my journey to Bali exciting.
Mario : If you had got bad travel agent like I had, you won't say that.
Number 31.
Syuli : What do you think of the speech delivered by Mr.Smith?
Salwa : I think it's motivated. We can take lessons of it. we can take lessons of it.
A. thought of
B. delivering
C. motivsting
D. took
Number 32.
Guest : Good morning, we're from Lion Motor Club.
Manager : Welcome to the villager's production of helmet. We give you better products and as good quality
than others .We guarantee your money back.
A. they're
B. gave
C. as.
D. guaranted
Number 33.
Customer : What does this diamond ring cost?
Clerk : Oh, that's Rp 1,750,000.00
Customer : That's quite expensive. May you give it for Rp 1,250,000.00
Customer : That's too low. I'll let you have it for Rp 1,500,000.00.
A. do
B. expense
C. can
D. them
Number 34.
News articles try to present only facts. The editorial page is the section of the newspaper who news
are given the opportunity to express their opinions about recent events policies and community
A. which
B. were
C. them
D. activity
Number 35.
Teacher : Who is that boy? He have kinky short black hair.
Amir : He is my friend from Papua.
A. which
B. has
C. she
Number 36.
Andrew : I found my journey to Bali exciting.
Mario : If you had got bad travel agent like I had, you won't say that.
Questions 16 to 30, choose the appropriate answer.
Number 16.
Hasan : Excuse me, ....on May 15 and 16. is it available?
Receptionist: I'm sorry,sir. i am afraid our hotel is fully booked at that time.
A. I'd like to book a ticket.
B. I'd like to reserve a room.
C. I need to order a birthday cake.
D. I need to confirm about my reservation.
Number 17.
Ramli : I've just bought this mobile phone and I still don't know how to use it.
What do you think can help me?
Kevin : .....He works at a phone service center.
A. You should buy a new manual book.
B. Sonny might be able to handle the problem.
C. You must go to the shopping mall.
D. Sonny can ask your help.
Number 18.
Uncle : I didn't see your mother. Where is she?
Nephew : She is in the kitchen. .........
A. She is preparing our meal.
B. She should have cooked lunch.
C. She was busy helping father in the office.
D. She used to order some fruits from that place.
Number 19.
Agus : Why didn't you come to school yesterday? You had a class,didn,t you?
Marjo : I was shocked. my best friend, Trisno got heart attack.He's being hospita-
lized at Sarjito Hospital now.
Agus : Oh,.... Hoping better soon.
A. I'm sorry to hear that.
B. He must do some exercise.
C. He must be careful then.
D. I'm surprised to hear that.
Number 20.
Tourist : Excuse me. Can you show me the place to buy merchandise?
Student : Well, the gift shop is over there at the corner of the street.
......... You'll see it in front of the nursery school.
A. I'm sorry I don't know.
B. It's closed in the afternoon.
C. There are two gift shops around here.
D. just walk along this street for two blocks.
Number 21.
Visitor : Why is this place so messy?
Host : I'm sorry. .... But we'll tidy it up as soon as possible.
A. It's not a problem,right?
B. Can you help us clean it?
C. The office boy didn,t come this week.
D. The receptionist will inform you later.
Number 22.
Hasan : ..............
Dayat : Well, he usually drives, but today he is taking the bus.
A. When will Mr. John arrive?
B. How did Andi arrive at school?
C. What time does he leave today?
D. How does your father go to the office?
Number 23.
Harry : Perhaps we could all go out for dinner.....
Jenny : That'd be lovely. We've planned it several times ever since we moved here.
A. What about driving around in the village?
B. Why don,t we eat together at home?
C. Should we order the food now?
D. What about going to the office?
Number 24.
Resa : Sales, Dena Resa speaking.
Puji : May I speak to Thomas, please?
Resa : I'm sorry. His line is busy right now ...........
Puji : All right. please tell him resa called.
A. Would you like to hold on
B. Could you wait for him
C. Who's speaking
D. May I take a message
Number 25.
Arya : How was your trip to Bandung?
Sandy : It's nice. ..... It made two days too short to pass.
A. I really enjoyed being there
B. I could't see any places
C. I'll be there again tomorrow
D. Bandung really makes everyone happy
Number 26.
Anna : ............ ?
Garry : What's wrong with it?
Anna : It's hard to read the result.
A. Will you save this document
B. Could you check the program
C. Could you print this document again
D. Can I help you,please
Number 27.
Agus : What are you going to do after you graduate, Tika?
Tika : .........
Agus : What will you take?
Tika : I'm thinking of majoring in Mathematics.
A. I'll travel around the world
B. I'll try to find a job
C. I'm working as a clerk
D. I plan to go to college
Number 28.
Erik : You look exhausted. You need a break.
Trisno: .... Unfortunately,the company doesn't have may employees.
A. I'll get a new job if I don't do it.
B. If I were the manager, I would go for a facation.
C. If I were you, I would talk to the manager.
D. I'd do it if there weren't too much work
Number 29.
Bambang : I'm having a party on Friday. .......
Sita : Well, thanks for inviting me, but I'm afraid I'm busy then.
Bambang : Oh, that's too bad. May be some other time.
A. May I ask you about it?
B. Could you drive me?
C. Can you come?
D. Would you invite me?
Number 30.
Siti : This novel looks very interesting.
Septi : Yes, it's very good.There are a lot of moral lessons in it. I have just
read it.
Siti : .........
Septi : Yes,of course.But not more than three days. I'm goung to return it.
A. Do you think I could borrow it?
B. Could you tell me about the lessons?
C. Will you buy the novel soon?
D. Could I buy novel?
Number 16.
Hasan : Excuse me, ....on May 15 and 16. is it available?
Receptionist: I'm sorry,sir. i am afraid our hotel is fully booked at that time.
A. I'd like to book a ticket.
B. I'd like to reserve a room.
C. I need to order a birthday cake.
D. I need to confirm about my reservation.
Number 17.
Ramli : I've just bought this mobile phone and I still don't know how to use it.
What do you think can help me?
Kevin : .....He works at a phone service center.
A. You should buy a new manual book.
B. Sonny might be able to handle the problem.
C. You must go to the shopping mall.
D. Sonny can ask your help.
Number 18.
Uncle : I didn't see your mother. Where is she?
Nephew : She is in the kitchen. .........
A. She is preparing our meal.
B. She should have cooked lunch.
C. She was busy helping father in the office.
D. She used to order some fruits from that place.
Number 19.
Agus : Why didn't you come to school yesterday? You had a class,didn,t you?
Marjo : I was shocked. my best friend, Trisno got heart attack.He's being hospita-
lized at Sarjito Hospital now.
Agus : Oh,.... Hoping better soon.
A. I'm sorry to hear that.
B. He must do some exercise.
C. He must be careful then.
D. I'm surprised to hear that.
Number 20.
Tourist : Excuse me. Can you show me the place to buy merchandise?
Student : Well, the gift shop is over there at the corner of the street.
......... You'll see it in front of the nursery school.
A. I'm sorry I don't know.
B. It's closed in the afternoon.
C. There are two gift shops around here.
D. just walk along this street for two blocks.
Number 21.
Visitor : Why is this place so messy?
Host : I'm sorry. .... But we'll tidy it up as soon as possible.
A. It's not a problem,right?
B. Can you help us clean it?
C. The office boy didn,t come this week.
D. The receptionist will inform you later.
Number 22.
Hasan : ..............
Dayat : Well, he usually drives, but today he is taking the bus.
A. When will Mr. John arrive?
B. How did Andi arrive at school?
C. What time does he leave today?
D. How does your father go to the office?
Number 23.
Harry : Perhaps we could all go out for dinner.....
Jenny : That'd be lovely. We've planned it several times ever since we moved here.
A. What about driving around in the village?
B. Why don,t we eat together at home?
C. Should we order the food now?
D. What about going to the office?
Number 24.
Resa : Sales, Dena Resa speaking.
Puji : May I speak to Thomas, please?
Resa : I'm sorry. His line is busy right now ...........
Puji : All right. please tell him resa called.
A. Would you like to hold on
B. Could you wait for him
C. Who's speaking
D. May I take a message
Number 25.
Arya : How was your trip to Bandung?
Sandy : It's nice. ..... It made two days too short to pass.
A. I really enjoyed being there
B. I could't see any places
C. I'll be there again tomorrow
D. Bandung really makes everyone happy
Number 26.
Anna : ............ ?
Garry : What's wrong with it?
Anna : It's hard to read the result.
A. Will you save this document
B. Could you check the program
C. Could you print this document again
D. Can I help you,please
Number 27.
Agus : What are you going to do after you graduate, Tika?
Tika : .........
Agus : What will you take?
Tika : I'm thinking of majoring in Mathematics.
A. I'll travel around the world
B. I'll try to find a job
C. I'm working as a clerk
D. I plan to go to college
Number 28.
Erik : You look exhausted. You need a break.
Trisno: .... Unfortunately,the company doesn't have may employees.
A. I'll get a new job if I don't do it.
B. If I were the manager, I would go for a facation.
C. If I were you, I would talk to the manager.
D. I'd do it if there weren't too much work
Number 29.
Bambang : I'm having a party on Friday. .......
Sita : Well, thanks for inviting me, but I'm afraid I'm busy then.
Bambang : Oh, that's too bad. May be some other time.
A. May I ask you about it?
B. Could you drive me?
C. Can you come?
D. Would you invite me?
Number 30.
Siti : This novel looks very interesting.
Septi : Yes, it's very good.There are a lot of moral lessons in it. I have just
read it.
Siti : .........
Septi : Yes,of course.But not more than three days. I'm goung to return it.
A. Do you think I could borrow it?
B. Could you tell me about the lessons?
C. Will you buy the novel soon?
D. Could I buy novel?
Part IV. Short Talks
Would you like to join International Social Security Association (ISSA). The procedure for joining ISSA is simple. Contact the ISSA General Secretariat in Geneva. Either,on line by phone or by mail for your application. The secretariat would provide you with any favour information you need and guide you through application process before you pay your membership. As Independent International Organization ISSA is financed by member contribution for favour information about cost of membership for your organizatio.Please
e-mail a consulted via the ISSA website. WWW://ISSA.IMT/
For contact the ISSA General Secretariat at 041227996617.
Number 12.
A. Joining an organization.
B. Phoning someone important.
C. Calculating the budget.
D. Contributing an idea.
Number 13.
A. Visit the office.
B. Consult the secretary.
C. Pay the membership.
D. Contact the security.
When you think of Viking mountain you probably think of world class skying and with good reason
Viking mountain is much much more .it's also a well class some resourced of free challenging 18 hole golf course and the lake for swimming,fishing and boating. In late June there is a famous Viking Mountain Jazz music festival.In July an arts and crafts fair and summer hotel lakes than more reasonable. Rooms are half the skiis seasons rate.So come on not now for summer of fun Viking mountain.
Number 14.
A. Some mountains resorts.
B. A world-class summer resort.
C. Jazz mountain festivals.
D. Summer hotel rates.
Number 15.
A. A famous Viking Mountain Jazz festival.
B. Winter fun at the hotel.
C. An arts and crafts fair.
D. World-class skiing.
This is the end of the listening.
e-mail a consulted via the ISSA website. WWW://ISSA.IMT/
For contact the ISSA General Secretariat at 041227996617.
Number 12.
A. Joining an organization.
B. Phoning someone important.
C. Calculating the budget.
D. Contributing an idea.
Number 13.
A. Visit the office.
B. Consult the secretary.
C. Pay the membership.
D. Contact the security.
When you think of Viking mountain you probably think of world class skying and with good reason
Viking mountain is much much more .it's also a well class some resourced of free challenging 18 hole golf course and the lake for swimming,fishing and boating. In late June there is a famous Viking Mountain Jazz music festival.In July an arts and crafts fair and summer hotel lakes than more reasonable. Rooms are half the skiis seasons rate.So come on not now for summer of fun Viking mountain.
Number 14.
A. Some mountains resorts.
B. A world-class summer resort.
C. Jazz mountain festivals.
D. Summer hotel rates.
Number 15.
A. A famous Viking Mountain Jazz festival.
B. Winter fun at the hotel.
C. An arts and crafts fair.
D. World-class skiing.
This is the end of the listening.
Part III. Short Conversations
Questions: 9 to 11
In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations twice.The conversations will not be printed in your test book,so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker say.
In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.
You will hear:
Man : The driver will meet you at the gate.
Woman : What kind of car will he be driving?
Man : He'll be driving a large, black limousine.
You will read: What will the woman do?
A. look for a specific automobile.
B. Wait at the door.
C. Drive a car.
D. Call a taxi.
The best answer is A.
Number 9.
A. The man
B. The maid
C. The roommate.
D. No one.
Number 10.
A. They borrowed them.
B. The supervisor brought them.
C. People sent the memo.
D. We lent some of them.
Number 11.
A. The large one.
B. The small one.
C. The expensive one.
D. The beautiful one.
In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations twice.The conversations will not be printed in your test book,so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker say.
In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.
You will hear:
Man : The driver will meet you at the gate.
Woman : What kind of car will he be driving?
Man : He'll be driving a large, black limousine.
You will read: What will the woman do?
A. look for a specific automobile.
B. Wait at the door.
C. Drive a car.
D. Call a taxi.
The best answer is A.
Number 9.
A. The man
B. The maid
C. The roommate.
D. No one.
Number 10.
A. They borrowed them.
B. The supervisor brought them.
C. People sent the memo.
D. We lent some of them.
Number 11.
A. The large one.
B. The small one.
C. The expensive one.
D. The beautiful one.
Part II. Questions-Responses
Question : 5 to 8.
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker say.You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear: Woman : Could you work until nine tonight?
You will also hear:Man : A. No,it doesn't work.
B. Yes,you can go to work now.
C. No, I have to be home by eight.
The best response is C
Number 5.
Man : Why do you like traveling by train better than by bus?
Woman : A. He likes traveling by bus.
B. I think the train is safer.
C. The bus is too cheap.
The best answer is B.
.Number 6.
Woman : What kind of music do you like most?
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker say.You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear: Woman : Could you work until nine tonight?
You will also hear:Man : A. No,it doesn't work.
B. Yes,you can go to work now.
C. No, I have to be home by eight.
The best response is C
Number 5.
Man : Why do you like traveling by train better than by bus?
Woman : A. He likes traveling by bus.
B. I think the train is safer.
C. The bus is too cheap.
The best answer is B.
.Number 6.
Woman : What kind of music do you like most?
Part I. Pictures
Questions : 1 to 4.
For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about it on the tape.They are spoken twice, and are NOT WRITTEN on your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statemen-(A),(B),(C),or (D)-that best describes the picture. Then on your answer sheet,mark your choice.
Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences.
A. The woman is touching the screen.
B. The doctor is sitting behind the patient.
C. The patient is being examined.
D. The visitors are leaving the hospital.
The best answer is C.
Number 1.
A. The athletes are running along the track
B. They're working on the computer
C. People are jogging on the trackmill
D. They are having a race competition
The best answer is C.
Number 2.
A. They are having fun bike.
B. They are preparing for a racing competition.
C. The people want to ride the bikes.
D. The bikes are parked on the side of the road.
The best answer is A.
Number 3.
A. All the ladies are wearing glasses.
B. The woman in the middle is crying.
C. They are sitting in front of a picture.
D. One of the woman is wearing a necklace.
The best answer is D.
Number 4.
A. The train is crossing over a bridge.
B. The passengers are boarding on the train.
C. the train runs through the tunnel
For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about it on the tape.They are spoken twice, and are NOT WRITTEN on your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statemen-(A),(B),(C),or (D)-that best describes the picture. Then on your answer sheet,mark your choice.
Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences.
A. The woman is touching the screen.
B. The doctor is sitting behind the patient.
C. The patient is being examined.
D. The visitors are leaving the hospital.
The best answer is C.
Number 1.
A. The athletes are running along the track
B. They're working on the computer
C. People are jogging on the trackmill
D. They are having a race competition
The best answer is C.
Number 2.
A. They are having fun bike.
B. They are preparing for a racing competition.
C. The people want to ride the bikes.
D. The bikes are parked on the side of the road.
The best answer is A.
Number 3.
A. All the ladies are wearing glasses.
B. The woman in the middle is crying.
C. They are sitting in front of a picture.
D. One of the woman is wearing a necklace.
The best answer is D.
Number 4.
A. The train is crossing over a bridge.
B. The passengers are boarding on the train.
C. the train runs through the tunnel
Jumat, 11 Maret 2011
Pembahasan Ujian Nasional Bhs.Inggris 2010.
Pembahasan Ujian Nasional B.Inggris 2010.
Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris untuk tingkat SMK telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 23 Maret 2010..Sebanyak 50 soal telah diujikan yang terdiri dari soal Listening dan Reading.Nah,untuk mempermudah maka penulis akan membagi pembahasan soal-soal ini menjadi :
Part I. Pictures. Anda diminta untuk mendengarkan kalimat-kalimat dari no 1 sampai dengan no 3, 2X.
Pilih kalimat yang sesuai dengan gambar.
Part II.Question-Responses. Anda diminta untuk mendengarkan sebanyak 2X kemudian pilih A,B,C.
Part III.Short Conversations.Setelah mendengarkan sebanyak 2X pilih jawaban yang ada dilembar soal.
Part IV.Short Talks.Setelah mendengarkan 2X pilih jawaban yang ada di lembar soal.
Part V. INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE . Terdiri dari soal no 16 sampai dengan 30.
Pilih jawaban A,B,C atau D.
Part VI. ERROR RECOGNITION. Pilih yang salah A,B,C atau D , dari no.31-35
Part VII. READING COMPREHENSION. Dari no 36-50. Pilih jawaban yang benar A,B,C atau D.
Kliklah bagian-bagian yang anda kehendaki!
Questions 36-50 are based on a selection of reading materials.Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to each question.
Questions 36 - 38 refer to the following letter.
WienBach Stationery Ltd
27 Jl. Kayu Manis, Jakarta 13210
March 16, 2010
Ms. Denis
Hope Ltd.
18 Jl. Tarumanegara 45
Kalimantan 22543
Dear Ms. Denia,
Thank you for ordering 20 cases of premium paper from WienBach Stationery Ltd.
Your order has been shippedand should reach you within the next five business days.
ind your enclosed total bill for the above order amounting to Rp.5,000,000 and check for
Rp.500,000 is your refund. Because you paid in advance, we are giving you a 10 percent cash discount
and we are paying for the shipping and handling, also.
WienBach Stationery Ltd. is pleased to add you to its list of customers. We look forward
to your next order.
2 enclosures
36. Where is the order delivered ?
A. Jakarta.
B. Pontianak.
C. WienBach warehouse.
D. WienBach Stationery Ltd.
37. Paragraph two tells about.................................
A. the half price of the total order.
B. shipping and handling fees of the products.
C. the rebate of the total payment.
D. the percentage of billing payment
38. ".................pleased to add you to itslistof customers." (paragraph 3 sentence 1)
The underlined word refers to .............
A. paper corporation.
B. shipping company.
C. Hope Ltd.
D. Wienbach Statione
Questions 39 - 41 refer to the following table.
Questions 36 - 38 refer to the following letter.
WienBach Stationery Ltd
27 Jl. Kayu Manis, Jakarta 13210
March 16, 2010
Ms. Denis
Hope Ltd.
18 Jl. Tarumanegara 45
Kalimantan 22543
Dear Ms. Denia,
Thank you for ordering 20 cases of premium paper from WienBach Stationery Ltd.
Your order has been shippedand should reach you within the next five business days.
ind your enclosed total bill for the above order amounting to Rp.5,000,000 and check for
Rp.500,000 is your refund. Because you paid in advance, we are giving you a 10 percent cash discount
and we are paying for the shipping and handling, also.
WienBach Stationery Ltd. is pleased to add you to its list of customers. We look forward
to your next order.
2 enclosures
36. Where is the order delivered ?
A. Jakarta.
B. Pontianak.
C. WienBach warehouse.
D. WienBach Stationery Ltd.
37. Paragraph two tells about.................................
A. the half price of the total order.
B. shipping and handling fees of the products.
C. the rebate of the total payment.
D. the percentage of billing payment
38. ".................pleased to add you to itslistof customers." (paragraph 3 sentence 1)
The underlined word refers to .............
A. paper corporation.
B. shipping company.
C. Hope Ltd.
D. Wienbach Statione
Questions 39 - 41 refer to the following table.
(2006 - 2009 )
Electricity from thermal sources 86.93 percent (2001 estimate)
Electricity from hydroeelectric sources 10.52 percent ( 2001 estimate )
Electricity from nuclear sources 0 percent ( 2001 estimate)
Electricity from geothermal, solar. and wind sources 2.55 percent (2001 estimate )
Number of radios per, 1,000 people 155 ( 1977 )
Number of telephones per,1,000 people 35 ( 2001 )
Number of televisions per 1,000 people 145 ( 2000 estimate )
Number of Internet hosts per 10,000 people 2.2 ( 2001 )
Daily newspaper circulation per 1,000 people 23 ( 1998 )
Number of motor vehicles per 1,000 people 25 ( 1998 )
Paved road as a share of total roads 46 percent ( 1999 )
39. What is the table about ?
A.Thr usage of hydro and geothermal for electric energy.
B. The expense of energy for 1.000 people during 3 years
C. The consumption of energy, communication, and transportation
D. The need of electronic devices and devices and natural resources for 1.000 people
40. The energy not being used is from .................................
A. wind sources
B. electricity sources
C. nuclear sources
D. thermal sources
41. "Electricity from geothermal, solar, and wind sources". The bold type word is close in meaning with........
A. sun
B. moon.
C. kerosene
G. gasoline
Questions 42 - 44 refer to the following text
Actor,director,producer, born on January 3, 1956, in Peekskil, New York, Mel Gibson spent the remainder of his childhood in Sydney, where he attended an all-boys Catholic high school.
After Gibson's high school graduation, he considered becoming a chef or journalist. However, when his sister submitted an application on his behalf on The National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney, he decided to audition. Without any prior acting experience , he was accepted amd enrolled in the drama school. While there, he made his stage debut in a production of Romeo and Juliet, and his screen debut in the low-budget film Summer City ( 1977 ). Upon his graduation that year, Gibson joined the Southern Ausrtalian Theatre Company , where he appeared in the title roles of classical productions , such as Oedipus
and Henry IV.
After conquering the stage, Gibson tried his hand at television, landing his first role on the Australian series The survivals. In 1979, Gibson graduated to mainstream cinema with his role as a futuristic warrior in Mad Max, and as a mentally retarded man I love with Piper Laurie in Tim, for which he earned his first Australian Film Institute (AFI) Award for Best Actor. Furthermore, Mad Max became the biggest commercial succes of any Australian film, grossing over $100 million worldwide.
42. What is the text about?
A. High School for actors.
B. Southern Australian Theater.
C. Actors, directors, and producers.
D. Mel Gibson's experience.
43. What did Gibson do after graduating from Senior High School?
42. What is the text about?
A. High School for actors.
B. Southern Australian Theater.
C. Actors, directors, and producers.
D. Mel Gibson's experience.
43. What did Gibson do after graduating from Senior High School?
A. Came for an audition.
B. Became a chef or journalist.
C. Tried his hand at television.
D. Submitted an application.
44. "........his stage debut" ( sentence 4 paragraph 2 )
The bold type word has a similar meaning to .........................
A. building
B. first career
C. company
D. film
Questions 45 - 47 refer to the following text.
Subscribe now and get up to 45% off the newsstand price.
Just follow three steps:
1. Tick the offer you prefer and add your details below.
a. I would like to get the Jakarta Globe at a special discount rate of Rp 468.000,00
for 3 months, a saving of 30 % from the newsstand price.
b. I would like to get the Jakarta Globe at a special discount rate of Rp 1.404.000,00 for
12 months, a saving of 45 % from the newsstand price.
2. Transfer the amount of the offer you want to Lippo Bank Gatot Subroto, account
no 73838979, PT Jakarta Globe Media.
3. Cut out and fax us the coupon provided at 622553258 together with the proof of the bank transfer.
PS : We also offer monthly subscription at a price of Rp 195.000,00 per month. If
you prefer this option ,please contact your local delivery agent to find out who
your nearest agent is, call our customer service officer at the number above.
45. What is the information about?
A. How to be a subscriber.
B. How to send the money.
C. How to be a reader.
D. How to fax the coupon.
46. What is the third step if you want to be a subscriber?
A. Transfer the amount to the bank.
B. Call customer care staff.
C. Contact local delivery order agent.
D. Cut the coupon provided and fax it.
47. What should you do if you want to save 30% from the newsstand price?
A. Get the paper at special discount for six months.
B. Buy the paper at special discount for 12 months.
C. Transfer the amount for the offer to Lippo Bank.
D. Transfer the amount for the 3-months special discount.
Questions 48 - 50 refer to the following information.
Toyota, a city in Japan, is on east central Honshu Island, in central Aichi Prefecture on the Yahagi River. Toyota is the headquarter of the Toyota Motor Corporation and is a major automobile manufacturing and assembly center. A classic company town ,it has a planned layout for its sprawling assembly plants,
office complexes, and housing developments for workers and their families.The city was formerly named Koromo, meaning "clothing" and prospered from the late 19th century until the 1930s as a center of the silk industry. Its development as an automobile manufacturing center began with the opening of the first assembly plant in 1937. The city's name was changed to Toyota in 1958 after the second plant, Motomachi, was opened and the population began to grow rapidly. Population (2002):342,835.
48. What is the main idea of the text?
A. The history of the Toyota City.
B. The geografical aspects of the Tocota City.
C. The production of the Toyota Motor Corporation.
D. The families and workers of the Toyota Motor Corporation.
49. What was the old name of the Toyota City?
A. Yahagi.
B. Honshu.
C. Koromo.
D. Motomachi.
50. The word "their" in the sentence "it has a planned layout for its sprawling asembly plants, office complexes, and housing development for workers and their families" refers to ....................
A. workers
B. headquarters.
C. assembly plants.
D. housing developments.
B. Became a chef or journalist.
C. Tried his hand at television.
D. Submitted an application.
44. "........his stage debut" ( sentence 4 paragraph 2 )
The bold type word has a similar meaning to .........................
A. building
B. first career
C. company
D. film
Questions 45 - 47 refer to the following text.
Subscribe now and get up to 45% off the newsstand price.
Just follow three steps:
1. Tick the offer you prefer and add your details below.
a. I would like to get the Jakarta Globe at a special discount rate of Rp 468.000,00
for 3 months, a saving of 30 % from the newsstand price.
b. I would like to get the Jakarta Globe at a special discount rate of Rp 1.404.000,00 for
12 months, a saving of 45 % from the newsstand price.
2. Transfer the amount of the offer you want to Lippo Bank Gatot Subroto, account
no 73838979, PT Jakarta Globe Media.
3. Cut out and fax us the coupon provided at 622553258 together with the proof of the bank transfer.
PS : We also offer monthly subscription at a price of Rp 195.000,00 per month. If
you prefer this option ,please contact your local delivery agent to find out who
your nearest agent is, call our customer service officer at the number above.
45. What is the information about?
A. How to be a subscriber.
B. How to send the money.
C. How to be a reader.
D. How to fax the coupon.
46. What is the third step if you want to be a subscriber?
A. Transfer the amount to the bank.
B. Call customer care staff.
C. Contact local delivery order agent.
D. Cut the coupon provided and fax it.
47. What should you do if you want to save 30% from the newsstand price?
A. Get the paper at special discount for six months.
B. Buy the paper at special discount for 12 months.
C. Transfer the amount for the offer to Lippo Bank.
D. Transfer the amount for the 3-months special discount.
Questions 48 - 50 refer to the following information.
Toyota, a city in Japan, is on east central Honshu Island, in central Aichi Prefecture on the Yahagi River. Toyota is the headquarter of the Toyota Motor Corporation and is a major automobile manufacturing and assembly center. A classic company town ,it has a planned layout for its sprawling assembly plants,
office complexes, and housing developments for workers and their families.The city was formerly named Koromo, meaning "clothing" and prospered from the late 19th century until the 1930s as a center of the silk industry. Its development as an automobile manufacturing center began with the opening of the first assembly plant in 1937. The city's name was changed to Toyota in 1958 after the second plant, Motomachi, was opened and the population began to grow rapidly. Population (2002):342,835.
48. What is the main idea of the text?
A. The history of the Toyota City.
B. The geografical aspects of the Tocota City.
C. The production of the Toyota Motor Corporation.
D. The families and workers of the Toyota Motor Corporation.
49. What was the old name of the Toyota City?
A. Yahagi.
B. Honshu.
C. Koromo.
D. Motomachi.
50. The word "their" in the sentence "it has a planned layout for its sprawling asembly plants, office complexes, and housing development for workers and their families" refers to ....................
A. workers
B. headquarters.
C. assembly plants.
D. housing developments.
Number 31.
Fina : I heard that you will go camping after the final test. Will I go woth you?
Andy : Yes,but you should get permission from your parents.
Number 32.
A survey indicates that reality shows have attracted the higher proportion of T.V. viewers since the end of
the last quarter of 2008.
Number 33.
The giant panda whose is also known as the panda bear or the bamboo pand is almost extinct because the
bambu forests where it lives are destroyed.
Cusomer : How much this diamond ring cost?
Number 34.
We are a leasing company. As many as 65% of our employees are posted in the marketing division.Most of
them are smart,talented,good look young men,who do not mind working ten hours a day, six days a week.
Number 35.
Customer: How much this diamond ring cost?
Clerk : Oh, that's Rp. 1.750.000,00.
Customer: That is quite expensive. May you give it for Rp. 1.250.000,00./
Clerck : That's too low.I'll let you have it for Rp 1.500.000,00.
Fina : I heard that you will go camping after the final test. Will I go woth you?
Andy : Yes,but you should get permission from your parents.
Number 32.
A survey indicates that reality shows have attracted the higher proportion of T.V. viewers since the end of
the last quarter of 2008.
Number 33.
The giant panda whose is also known as the panda bear or the bamboo pand is almost extinct because the
bambu forests where it lives are destroyed.
Cusomer : How much this diamond ring cost?
Number 34.
We are a leasing company. As many as 65% of our employees are posted in the marketing division.Most of
them are smart,talented,good look young men,who do not mind working ten hours a day, six days a week.
Number 35.
Customer: How much this diamond ring cost?
Clerk : Oh, that's Rp. 1.750.000,00.
Customer: That is quite expensive. May you give it for Rp. 1.250.000,00./
Clerck : That's too low.I'll let you have it for Rp 1.500.000,00.
Questions 16 to 30,choose the most appropriate answer.
Ticket service: .......................
Ms. Eva : I want an economy class.Would you give me A seat by the isle?
Ticket service: Sure, ma'am, here is your ticket.
A. Would you take the business class?
B. What kind of ticket do you need, Ma'am?
C. Where would you like to stay?
D. when would you like to go?
Son : When are we going to eat?
Mom : .................. I'm still preparing it.
A. We have to find the menu first.
B. We should call the waiter.
C. We'll probably have it around six.
D. We've already reserved a table.
Puspita: The lightning knocked my TV out. .........................?
Ronald: Yes. Let me see what's wrong.
A. Do you think you can fix it.
B. Do you know what happened
C. Why don't you buy me a new one
D. What about taking it to the repair shop
Susan: I can't find my boots and umbrella. ........... I really don't want to go out without them.
Dyah : Come on! You've got a rain coat. That'll keep you dry.
A. I think I'm going to take my raincoat.
B. Can you help me look for them?
C. I guess I can put them on now
D. Do you remember when it happened?
Donita: I feel exhausted today, but the report is due at three.
Fikri : .................................
Donita: Thanks. That's very kind of you.
A. You can take a rest later
B. I had better give you a hand,then
C. You ought to finish the report now
D. I have to concentrate on my job,first
Hanif : I would like to re-schedule my appointment with the doctor for the next Monday ............
receptionist : I'm sorry, but Monday is completely booked.
A. if it is still open
B. if it were possible
C. unless the doctor will accept it
D. unless i can go there
Ayu : Tell me, what do you do in your spare time, Yudi?
Yudi : ................. I always try a new recipe from the newest Cooking Book.
A. I care about Japanese
B. I love eating many kinds of food
C. I enjoy collecting traditional utensils
D. I like preparing the table
Receptionist: I'm sorry.Ms. Bertha isn't in the office today.
Caller : .......................
A. The I'll call back another time
B. OK.Would you like to leave a message?
C. What can I do for you?
D. I think I've dialed the wrong number.
Mira: Did you go to the concert last night?
Yani: Yes, ......... and I saw Jane play the harp
A. I admire her
B. I'm going there
C. It was great
D. It sounds bad
Fanny: There will be a student president election on Saturday? Would you like to participate?
Tomo: ................ Can we go there together,then?
Fanny: sure, I'll pick you at ten
A. I'm already busy
B. I'm not sure yet
C. No,thanks
D. Of course
Doni : The meal was delicious. ...................
Dian : Thank you. Have some more dessert?
Doni : No, thanks. i already had two pieces of cake.
A. How kind you are!
B. What a lovely place!
C. I couldn't enjoy it.
D. You're a great cook.
Visitor: Why is this place so dirty?
Host : I'm sorry. ................. But we'll clean it as soon as possible
A. It's not problem,right?
B. Can you help us clean it?
C. The cleaning service is absent
D. The receptionist will inform you later
Danny; It is a good idea that the government prohibit smoking in public places .
Pandu; ..............It's awful sitting next to someone smoking.
A. I disagree
B. I can't say so
C. That's true
D. Probably not
Ani : Excuse me, where can I find a bus stop to down town?
Adi : ......... It's in front of the laundromat
Ani : Thank you
A. I don't know
B. Take a number 15 bus
C. The bus is over there
D. Just across this street
Man : How often does the train from Yogya arrive?
Woman : ................ you can ask the information for the schedule.
Man : Thank you.
A. It arrived 5 hours ago
B. It usually leaves at three
C. it departs on time
D. It comes every 12 hours
Ticket service: .......................
Ms. Eva : I want an economy class.Would you give me A seat by the isle?
Ticket service: Sure, ma'am, here is your ticket.
A. Would you take the business class?
B. What kind of ticket do you need, Ma'am?
C. Where would you like to stay?
D. when would you like to go?
Son : When are we going to eat?
Mom : .................. I'm still preparing it.
A. We have to find the menu first.
B. We should call the waiter.
C. We'll probably have it around six.
D. We've already reserved a table.
Puspita: The lightning knocked my TV out. .........................?
Ronald: Yes. Let me see what's wrong.
A. Do you think you can fix it.
B. Do you know what happened
C. Why don't you buy me a new one
D. What about taking it to the repair shop
Susan: I can't find my boots and umbrella. ........... I really don't want to go out without them.
Dyah : Come on! You've got a rain coat. That'll keep you dry.
A. I think I'm going to take my raincoat.
B. Can you help me look for them?
C. I guess I can put them on now
D. Do you remember when it happened?
Donita: I feel exhausted today, but the report is due at three.
Fikri : .................................
Donita: Thanks. That's very kind of you.
A. You can take a rest later
B. I had better give you a hand,then
C. You ought to finish the report now
D. I have to concentrate on my job,first
Hanif : I would like to re-schedule my appointment with the doctor for the next Monday ............
receptionist : I'm sorry, but Monday is completely booked.
A. if it is still open
B. if it were possible
C. unless the doctor will accept it
D. unless i can go there
Ayu : Tell me, what do you do in your spare time, Yudi?
Yudi : ................. I always try a new recipe from the newest Cooking Book.
A. I care about Japanese
B. I love eating many kinds of food
C. I enjoy collecting traditional utensils
D. I like preparing the table
Receptionist: I'm sorry.Ms. Bertha isn't in the office today.
Caller : .......................
A. The I'll call back another time
B. OK.Would you like to leave a message?
C. What can I do for you?
D. I think I've dialed the wrong number.
Mira: Did you go to the concert last night?
Yani: Yes, ......... and I saw Jane play the harp
A. I admire her
B. I'm going there
C. It was great
D. It sounds bad
Fanny: There will be a student president election on Saturday? Would you like to participate?
Tomo: ................ Can we go there together,then?
Fanny: sure, I'll pick you at ten
A. I'm already busy
B. I'm not sure yet
C. No,thanks
D. Of course
Doni : The meal was delicious. ...................
Dian : Thank you. Have some more dessert?
Doni : No, thanks. i already had two pieces of cake.
A. How kind you are!
B. What a lovely place!
C. I couldn't enjoy it.
D. You're a great cook.
Visitor: Why is this place so dirty?
Host : I'm sorry. ................. But we'll clean it as soon as possible
A. It's not problem,right?
B. Can you help us clean it?
C. The cleaning service is absent
D. The receptionist will inform you later
Danny; It is a good idea that the government prohibit smoking in public places .
Pandu; ..............It's awful sitting next to someone smoking.
A. I disagree
B. I can't say so
C. That's true
D. Probably not
Ani : Excuse me, where can I find a bus stop to down town?
Adi : ......... It's in front of the laundromat
Ani : Thank you
A. I don't know
B. Take a number 15 bus
C. The bus is over there
D. Just across this street
Man : How often does the train from Yogya arrive?
Woman : ................ you can ask the information for the schedule.
Man : Thank you.
A. It arrived 5 hours ago
B. It usually leaves at three
C. it departs on time
D. It comes every 12 hours
Part IV. Short Talks.
Beore I start today sociology lecture,I'd like to talk with you about the papers you should be working on.As you know the topic for the paper is the relationship between gun control and violence.The paper itself is due in two weeks.But I would like to see your outline by Friday of this week.So that I can be sure that you are on the right track with the assignment".
12.Who will most likely be listening to this announcement?
A. The lecturers.
B. The sociologist.
C. The students
D. The announcers.
13. When should the students submit the paper?
A. Today.
B. By Friday.
C. This week.
D. In two weeks.
These days everyone seems to be drinking bottled water.And why not? It's refreshing,pure and safe. But if you drink spring bottled water you'll get more than just drink of water. You'll get all the vitamins you need for a day for a little more money. Drinking one litre of plain spring is equivalent of taking the best selling multivitamin tablets with 100% of the minimum daily requirement of vitamin A,C &B plus all the other vitamins needed for human nutrition.Available in half litre bottle and impact of full single litre bottle.
14. What is being advertised?
A. A multi-vitamin drinking bottle.
B. A new brand of bottled water.
C. The best-selling multi-vitamin tablets.
D. Vitamins needed for human nutrition.
15. What is the main advantage offered in the advertisement?
A. Having the vitamins needed for one day.
B. Purchasing for much more money.
C. getting more than a liter of water.'
D. packing some good bottles.
This is the end of the listening section-l.
12.Who will most likely be listening to this announcement?
A. The lecturers.
B. The sociologist.
C. The students
D. The announcers.
13. When should the students submit the paper?
A. Today.
B. By Friday.
C. This week.
D. In two weeks.
These days everyone seems to be drinking bottled water.And why not? It's refreshing,pure and safe. But if you drink spring bottled water you'll get more than just drink of water. You'll get all the vitamins you need for a day for a little more money. Drinking one litre of plain spring is equivalent of taking the best selling multivitamin tablets with 100% of the minimum daily requirement of vitamin A,C &B plus all the other vitamins needed for human nutrition.Available in half litre bottle and impact of full single litre bottle.
14. What is being advertised?
A. A multi-vitamin drinking bottle.
B. A new brand of bottled water.
C. The best-selling multi-vitamin tablets.
D. Vitamins needed for human nutrition.
15. What is the main advantage offered in the advertisement?
A. Having the vitamins needed for one day.
B. Purchasing for much more money.
C. getting more than a liter of water.'
D. packing some good bottles.
This is the end of the listening section-l.
Part III. Short Conversations.
Man : How many meals do you have a day?
Woman : I usually have three,but sometimes I have no breakfast because I'm late for school and I have to
Man : Do you often eat a restaurant with your family too?
Woman : No,I don't.My mom enjoys cooking .She's very good cook.So we hardly ever go to a restaurant.
8. What does the woman say about her mother?
A. She can cook well.
B. She owns a restaurant.
C. She's always in a hurry.
D. She never has breakfast.
Man : I love to spend afternoon looking through used book stores.
Woman : Me too. And used book is so much cheaper than a new one.
Man : Well for me that's not the point. I'm looking for the first edition and other hard to find book.
9. What does the woman think about used bookstores?
A. They are available only in the afternoon.
B. They are hard to find anywhere.
C. They provide first editions.
D. They are less expensive.
Man : I lift the phone ring but there is no answer for the loading clock.
Woman : It's 10 o'lock.May be they're still having their coffee break.
Man : OK.That explains it. I'll back in 15 minutes.
10. Wh didn't the man get an answer?
A. The phone is out of order.
B. Nobody was in the office.
C. The line was very busy.
D. It's a wrong number.
Man : You can take out up to 5 books.
Woman : Here's my borrower's card
Man : These are due back in 30 days.
11. How many books are allowed to be borrowed at one time?
A. More than five books.
B. Two books only.
C. Thirty books.
D. Five books.
Woman : I usually have three,but sometimes I have no breakfast because I'm late for school and I have to
Man : Do you often eat a restaurant with your family too?
Woman : No,I don't.My mom enjoys cooking .She's very good cook.So we hardly ever go to a restaurant.
8. What does the woman say about her mother?
A. She can cook well.
B. She owns a restaurant.
C. She's always in a hurry.
D. She never has breakfast.
Man : I love to spend afternoon looking through used book stores.
Woman : Me too. And used book is so much cheaper than a new one.
Man : Well for me that's not the point. I'm looking for the first edition and other hard to find book.
9. What does the woman think about used bookstores?
A. They are available only in the afternoon.
B. They are hard to find anywhere.
C. They provide first editions.
D. They are less expensive.
Man : I lift the phone ring but there is no answer for the loading clock.
Woman : It's 10 o'lock.May be they're still having their coffee break.
Man : OK.That explains it. I'll back in 15 minutes.
10. Wh didn't the man get an answer?
A. The phone is out of order.
B. Nobody was in the office.
C. The line was very busy.
D. It's a wrong number.
Man : You can take out up to 5 books.
Woman : Here's my borrower's card
Man : These are due back in 30 days.
11. How many books are allowed to be borrowed at one time?
A. More than five books.
B. Two books only.
C. Thirty books.
D. Five books.
Part II. Question-Responses.
Number Four.
X:Why don't you see a doctor to determine the cause of yor ilness?
A. You're right.That's what I'll do
B. The doctor has just moved here
C. OK.I'll take the examination tomorrow
Number Five.
X: Can you tell me how to get to the music building from here?I have a lecture to attend there.
Y: ............................................................
A.Sure. I'll get there in a moment.
B. Walk along this street.It is on the right
C. The building is under construction
Number Six.
X: Who won the basketball competition last year?
Y: .........................................................
A.I don't want to see that game
B. A school team did
C. We would join the competition
Number Seven.
X: Will your father be going with you to the ceremony?
Y: ...............................................................
A. Yes.He spends all of the time looking in his company
B. No, he hasn't been feeling well lately
C. I'm sure,he's going to be here soon
X:Why don't you see a doctor to determine the cause of yor ilness?
A. You're right.That's what I'll do
B. The doctor has just moved here
C. OK.I'll take the examination tomorrow
Number Five.
X: Can you tell me how to get to the music building from here?I have a lecture to attend there.
Y: ............................................................
A.Sure. I'll get there in a moment.
B. Walk along this street.It is on the right
C. The building is under construction
Number Six.
X: Who won the basketball competition last year?
Y: .........................................................
A.I don't want to see that game
B. A school team did
C. We would join the competition
Number Seven.
X: Will your father be going with you to the ceremony?
Y: ...............................................................
A. Yes.He spends all of the time looking in his company
B. No, he hasn't been feeling well lately
C. I'm sure,he's going to be here soon
Part I. Pictures.
Number 1.
A.The man is talking to a woman.
B. The people are looking at the wall.
C. They are studying a picture.
D. The visitors are praying
Number 2.
A.They're very little traffic.
B. The buildings are standing in a row.
C. The pedestrians are crowding to walkway.
D. The woman has found her way.
Number 3.
A. The woman is touching the screen
B. The doctor is sitting behind the patient.
C. The patient is being examined.
D. The visitors are leaving the hospital.
A.The man is talking to a woman.
B. The people are looking at the wall.
C. They are studying a picture.
D. The visitors are praying
Number 2.
A.They're very little traffic.
B. The buildings are standing in a row.
C. The pedestrians are crowding to walkway.
D. The woman has found her way.
Number 3.
A. The woman is touching the screen
B. The doctor is sitting behind the patient.
C. The patient is being examined.
D. The visitors are leaving the hospital.
Selasa, 22 Februari 2011
7.Latihan Listening Ungkapan Keluhan.
Ungkapan Keluhan.
Number One.
Man : I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience.
Woman : It's okay. Sometimes this thing happened.
Number One.
Man : I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience.
Woman : It's okay. Sometimes this thing happened.
6.Latihan Listening Ungkapan Kegiatan
Ungkapan-Ungkapan Kegiatan.
1. Woman: When will the plane arrive?
Man : At 4.30. according to the schedule.
2. Woman: Did you know that we are going to have a new manager?
Man : Yes, he will introduce himself today.
3.Man : What time does this electronic store open?
Woman: As far as I know it opens at 5 p.m.
4. Woman: You study at school from 7 to 3 everyday, don't you?
Man : Yes, we spend 8 hours a day at school.
1. Woman: When will the plane arrive?
Man : At 4.30. according to the schedule.
2. Woman: Did you know that we are going to have a new manager?
Man : Yes, he will introduce himself today.
3.Man : What time does this electronic store open?
Woman: As far as I know it opens at 5 p.m.
4. Woman: You study at school from 7 to 3 everyday, don't you?
Man : Yes, we spend 8 hours a day at school.
5.Latihan Listening Ungkapan Pendapat.
Ungkapan-Ungkapan Pendapat beserta Responnya.
1. Man : I think this painting is so beautiful, it is so alive. What do you think?
Woman : I agree with you.
2. Man : I think this chicken spicy is so delicious.
Woman : I don't think so. It is too hot for me.
3. Man ; I think English is an interesting subject.
Woman : I suppose so.
4. Man : I think this film is not good. It's a complete waste of money.
Woman : No, I don't think so..
1. Man : I think this painting is so beautiful, it is so alive. What do you think?
Woman : I agree with you.
2. Man : I think this chicken spicy is so delicious.
Woman : I don't think so. It is too hot for me.
3. Man ; I think English is an interesting subject.
Woman : I suppose so.
4. Man : I think this film is not good. It's a complete waste of money.
Woman : No, I don't think so..
4.Latihan Listening Ungkapan Saran/Nasehat.
Untuk Listening Question Response 5 berisi ungkapan-ungkapan Saran/Nasehat.
1. Woman: John looks so pale and has a fever.
Man : He should see a doctor.
2. Man : Working with the computer for a long time made me sick.
Woman : You should take a rest then.
3. Man : Oh! I have a terrible toothache.
Woman : You had better take this pill.
4. Woman : I feel tired.
Man : You had better lie down.
5. Woman : My eyes are sore.
Man : You should stop reading and rest.
6. Woman : I don't feel well.
Man : You had better not go to school.
7. Woman : I've got a headache and a sore throat.
Man : You should consult the doctor soon!
8. Man : I'm concerned about my weight.
Woman : You should go on diet.
9. Man : I'm concerned about my blood pressure.
Woman : You should stop eating salty and foods.
10.Man : Could you recommend a good restaurant around here?
Woman: Yes, there is one at the corner.
11.Man : Where should we meet so we can all go to the game together?
Woman ; Let's meet at the stadium entrance.
12.Man : Should I wait here at the counter or follow you back to the warehouse?
Woman : Oh, come with me please.
1. Woman: John looks so pale and has a fever.
Man : He should see a doctor.
2. Man : Working with the computer for a long time made me sick.
Woman : You should take a rest then.
3. Man : Oh! I have a terrible toothache.
Woman : You had better take this pill.
4. Woman : I feel tired.
Man : You had better lie down.
5. Woman : My eyes are sore.
Man : You should stop reading and rest.
6. Woman : I don't feel well.
Man : You had better not go to school.
7. Woman : I've got a headache and a sore throat.
Man : You should consult the doctor soon!
8. Man : I'm concerned about my weight.
Woman : You should go on diet.
9. Man : I'm concerned about my blood pressure.
Woman : You should stop eating salty and foods.
10.Man : Could you recommend a good restaurant around here?
Woman: Yes, there is one at the corner.
11.Man : Where should we meet so we can all go to the game together?
Woman ; Let's meet at the stadium entrance.
12.Man : Should I wait here at the counter or follow you back to the warehouse?
Woman : Oh, come with me please.
3.Latihan Listening Ungkapan Menanyakan Arah.
Latihan ini khusus untuk ungkapan-ungkapan menanyakan arah/lokasi.
Silahkan Anda baca baca dengan suara keras dan tidak usah tergesa-gesa.
1. Man : Excuse me! I am looking for a travel agent around here. Do you have any idea where it is?
Woman: I'm sorry. I'm a stranger myself.
2. Woman : Which way is the nearest money changer from here?
Man : There is one at the end of the street.
3. Woman : Could you show me the way to the post office?
Man : Sure.It is just two blocks from here on the left.
4. Man : Can you show me where the post office is?
Woman : It's at the corner of the street.
5. Woman : I'm sorry to bother you. I'm looking for the nearest internet cafe.
Man : Just go down the street and it sounds the right.
Silahkan Anda baca baca dengan suara keras dan tidak usah tergesa-gesa.
1. Man : Excuse me! I am looking for a travel agent around here. Do you have any idea where it is?
Woman: I'm sorry. I'm a stranger myself.
2. Woman : Which way is the nearest money changer from here?
Man : There is one at the end of the street.
3. Woman : Could you show me the way to the post office?
Man : Sure.It is just two blocks from here on the left.
4. Man : Can you show me where the post office is?
Woman : It's at the corner of the street.
5. Woman : I'm sorry to bother you. I'm looking for the nearest internet cafe.
Man : Just go down the street and it sounds the right.
2 Latihan Listening Ungkapan Undangan
Anda diminta untuk membacakan kalimat-kalimat ungkapan Undangan berikut dengan responnya.Bacalah dengan suara keras sambil dihayati artinya.
Number One.
X; Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?
Y: I'd love to, thanks.
Number Two.
X: Roni, would you like to come to my school party tomorrow night?
Y: Really,I'd love to.
Number Three.
X: Rani, I'd like to invite you to come to my engagement party on Sunday.
Y I'd love to come. Thanks.
Number Four.
X: Anto, do you happen to be free tomorrow? I wonder whether you could come to my birthday party?
Y: I'd love to, but I,m afraid I can't.
Number Five.
X: Lina, would you come to go to the theatre?
Y: It would be nice.
Number Six.
X: How about having lunch together?
Y: That would be interesting,but I have no time.
Number Seven.
X: Nina,if you are free next week,would you mind coming to my house?
Y: I'd like to,but I've already planned to visit my parents. Thanks anyway.
Number Eight.
X: I wonder wether you could come to my party.
Y: I wish I could, but I have an important thing to do.
Number Nine.
X: I really like the computer exhibition. Would you like to come along with me?
Y: Thank you, but I have another program.
Number Ten.
X: Do you have any plan for next Saturday? I'd like to invite you to our charity concert.
Y: It would be great.
Response undangannya ada yang menerima dan ada yang menolak. Jadi anda perlu perhatikan jawaban responnya.
Senin, 21 Februari 2011
1.Latihan Listening Ungkapan Menawarkan Bantuan.
Latihan Listening Question Response 1 berisi ungkapan-ungkapan menawarkan bantuan.Anda diminta untuk membaca kalimat tersebut dengan suara keras berikut responsnya.Mudah-mudahan dengan sering berlatih
kemampuan Anda semakin meningkat.
1.Woman: Mr.Yusuf is out of the moment.Can I help you?
Man : Can I leave a message then.
Bacalah kalimat diatas tersebut minimal 2 x, kemudian Anda biisa lanjutkan kekalimat berikutnya.
2. Man : Good afternoon. Sriwijaya Service Station. Can I help you?
Woman: I'd like to have my car engine check.
3. Woman: Would you like me to bring you a V.C.D. tonight?
Man : That would be lovely.
4. Man : Can I help you with your suitcase?
Woman : Oh,that's very kind of you. Thank you very much.
5. Man : Shall I bring you a drink?
Woman : No,thank you.
6. Man : Would you like me to send your package immediately?
Woman : That would be lovely.
7. Man : Let me book the hotel room for you?
Woman : No,thank you.
8. Man : Can I bring you a glass of cold water?
Woman : That would be lovely.
9. Man : Would you like me to carry your heavy bag?
Woman : Yes,please.
10.Man : Do you need me to accompany you?
Woman: I will be very grateful.
Bila selesai Anda bisa lanjutkan ke Latihan Listening Question Response 2. Selamat berlatih !
kemampuan Anda semakin meningkat.
1.Woman: Mr.Yusuf is out of the moment.Can I help you?
Man : Can I leave a message then.
Bacalah kalimat diatas tersebut minimal 2 x, kemudian Anda biisa lanjutkan kekalimat berikutnya.
2. Man : Good afternoon. Sriwijaya Service Station. Can I help you?
Woman: I'd like to have my car engine check.
3. Woman: Would you like me to bring you a V.C.D. tonight?
Man : That would be lovely.
4. Man : Can I help you with your suitcase?
Woman : Oh,that's very kind of you. Thank you very much.
5. Man : Shall I bring you a drink?
Woman : No,thank you.
6. Man : Would you like me to send your package immediately?
Woman : That would be lovely.
7. Man : Let me book the hotel room for you?
Woman : No,thank you.
8. Man : Can I bring you a glass of cold water?
Woman : That would be lovely.
9. Man : Would you like me to carry your heavy bag?
Woman : Yes,please.
10.Man : Do you need me to accompany you?
Woman: I will be very grateful.
Bila selesai Anda bisa lanjutkan ke Latihan Listening Question Response 2. Selamat berlatih !
Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011
Latihan Listening Picture.
Ujian Listening Bahasa Inggris bikin kepala pusing, apalagi kalau kita jarang latihan. Biar volume tapenya hampir habis tetap ajama masih engga nangkap. Istilahnya masih blong.
Untuk memudahkan para siswa-siswi SMK yang mengikuti ujian .Penulis memberikan latihan Listening Picture dengan cara membaca. Semoga langkah ini ada manfaatnya bagi siswa-siswi.
Latihan Listening Picture ini dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian:
Listening Picture 1. Anda diminta untuk membacakan frase-frase dengan suara keras sambil mengartikan didalam hati.
Listening Picture 2. Sama dengan Listening Picture 1.
Listening Picture 3. Anda diminta untuk membacakan frase dengan pola Verv+ing+preposition
Listening Picture 4. Anda diminta untuk membacakan kalimat demi kalimat dengan suara keras sambil mengartikan di dalam hati.
Listening Picture 5. Anda diminta untuk membaca kalimat kalimat pasif dengan suara keras sambil mengartikannya didalam hati.
Listening Picture 6. Ini merupakan Listening picture yang terakhir dengan pola : There is/There are.
Semoga Latihan Listening ini membawa manfaat.
1. Bahan - Bahan Ujian Nasional mulai tahun 2002 -2011.
2.Alexander,L.G.1984. FIRST THING FIRST. Yogya karta :Kanisius.
3. Alexander, L.G. 1991. PRACTICE AND PROGRESS. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
4. Ashomore Elizabet, 1991. 30 DAYS TO THE TOEIC TEST.Canada : Educational Testing Service.
Untuk memudahkan para siswa-siswi SMK yang mengikuti ujian .Penulis memberikan latihan Listening Picture dengan cara membaca. Semoga langkah ini ada manfaatnya bagi siswa-siswi.
Latihan Listening Picture ini dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian:
Listening Picture 1. Anda diminta untuk membacakan frase-frase dengan suara keras sambil mengartikan didalam hati.
Listening Picture 2. Sama dengan Listening Picture 1.
Listening Picture 3. Anda diminta untuk membacakan frase dengan pola Verv+ing+preposition
Listening Picture 4. Anda diminta untuk membacakan kalimat demi kalimat dengan suara keras sambil mengartikan di dalam hati.
Listening Picture 5. Anda diminta untuk membaca kalimat kalimat pasif dengan suara keras sambil mengartikannya didalam hati.
Listening Picture 6. Ini merupakan Listening picture yang terakhir dengan pola : There is/There are.
Semoga Latihan Listening ini membawa manfaat.
1. Bahan - Bahan Ujian Nasional mulai tahun 2002 -2011.
2.Alexander,L.G.1984. FIRST THING FIRST. Yogya karta :Kanisius.
3. Alexander, L.G. 1991. PRACTICE AND PROGRESS. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
4. Ashomore Elizabet, 1991. 30 DAYS TO THE TOEIC TEST.Canada : Educational Testing Service.
Listening Picture 6.
Ini merupakan latihan listening picture yang terakhir. Di latihan ini anda diminta untuk membaca kalimat-kalimat yang terdiri dari :
There is diikuti benda tunggal/benda tidak dapat dihitung.
There are diikuti benda jamak.
Mari kita baca dengan suara keras kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini:
Number One.
a. There is a computer monitor on the table
b. There is a lot of stuff on the desk
c. There is a traffic jam on the street
d. There is some fruit on the plate
Number Two.
a. There are some photographs on the table
b. There are hammers on the table
c. There are some cars in front of the repair shop
d. There are some cars in front of the repair shop
Number Three.
a. There is an electric organ in front of the television
b. There is a blnket on the table
c. There is a television set in front of the bed
d. There is a dispenser between a television and an electric organ
Number Four.
a. There are some stereoheadphones on the bookshelf
b. There are some glasses between the tables
c. There are some chairs next to the window
d. There are some cars in front of that building
Untuk yang lainnya anda bisa lanjutkan sendiri.
Rabu, 16 Februari 2011
Listening Pictur 5.
Sekarang Anda berada di Listening Picture 5. Silahkan berlatih untuk mengucapkan kalimat - kalimat Passive sambil mengartikannya.
Pola-Pola Kalimat sbb:
Subject+to be (am,is,are)+being+verb 3.
The milk is being drunk.
(Susu ssedang diminum)
Two computers are being repaired.
(Dua komputer sedang diperbaiki)
Subject+will be+verb 3.
The letter will be sent tomorrow morning.
(Surat akan dikirim besok pagi)
The milk will be drunk tomorrow.
(Susu akan diminum besok)
The milk is drunk every morning.
(Susu diminum setiap pagi)
The computers are repaired every year.
(Komputer diperbaiki setiap tahun)
Setelah Anda melihat contoconto yang ada mari sama-sama kita berlatih:
Number One.
a. The patient is being examined
b. The man is being pushed
c. The computer is being operated
d. The computer is being opened
Number Two.
a. The camera is being held
b. The song is being song
c. The hat is being worn
d. The hospital is being left
Number Three.
a. The tape recorder is put beside white board
b. The computer monitor is put on the table
c. A small bag is used to put old things
d. The cars are parked in the garage
Number Four.
a. The tree will be planted
b. The traditional dresses will be worn
c. The painting will be hung on a wall
d. The tablecloth will be removed
Number Five.
a. The house is being decorated
b. The stick is being held
c. The music is being played
d. Dinner is being served
Number Seven.
a. The man is being pushed
b. The mountain is being climbed
c. The picture is being studied
d. The window is being opened
Baca ya dengan keras.
Pola-Pola Kalimat sbb:
Subject+to be (am,is,are)+being+verb 3.
The milk is being drunk.
(Susu ssedang diminum)
Two computers are being repaired.
(Dua komputer sedang diperbaiki)
Subject+will be+verb 3.
The letter will be sent tomorrow morning.
(Surat akan dikirim besok pagi)
The milk will be drunk tomorrow.
(Susu akan diminum besok)
The milk is drunk every morning.
(Susu diminum setiap pagi)
The computers are repaired every year.
(Komputer diperbaiki setiap tahun)
Setelah Anda melihat contoconto yang ada mari sama-sama kita berlatih:
Number One.
a. The patient is being examined
b. The man is being pushed
c. The computer is being operated
d. The computer is being opened
Number Two.
a. The camera is being held
b. The song is being song
c. The hat is being worn
d. The hospital is being left
Number Three.
a. The tape recorder is put beside white board
b. The computer monitor is put on the table
c. A small bag is used to put old things
d. The cars are parked in the garage
Number Four.
a. The tree will be planted
b. The traditional dresses will be worn
c. The painting will be hung on a wall
d. The tablecloth will be removed
Number Five.
a. The house is being decorated
b. The stick is being held
c. The music is being played
d. Dinner is being served
Number Seven.
a. The man is being pushed
b. The mountain is being climbed
c. The picture is being studied
d. The window is being opened
Baca ya dengan keras.
Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011
Listening Picture 4.
Setelah Anda selesai mengerjakan Listening Picture 3, silahkan lanjutkan Listening Picture 4,yang menyatakan kegiatan sedang berlangsung.
Pola Kalimat ini adalah : Subject+ tobe (am,is,are)+verb+ing.
Silahkan Anda baca dengan suara keras dan artikan kalimat-kalimatnya.
Number One.
a. The lady is singing
b. The security guard is standing
c. The girl is painting
d. The referee is jumping
Number Two.
a. The pedestrians are crossing
b. The visitors are praying
c. The patients are sitting
d.The men are smiling
Number Three.
a. The children are swimming
b. The workers are working
c. The mother is cooking
d. They are studying
Number Four
a. The lady is singing a song
b. The girls are serving dinner
c. They're wearing sunglasses
d. He's wearing a raincoat
Number Five.
a. The woman is pushing the man
b. The two boys are playing music
c. The reporter is questioning the audience
d. Many people are having a party
Number Six.
a. The painter is working
b. They are studying
c. The man is talking
d. The girl is reading
Number Seven.
a. She is holding a piece of paper
b. The men are wearing hats
c. The girl is caring for a child
d. The men are setting a table
Number Eight.
a. A man is pulling a cable
b. She's using a microphone
c. The passengers are boarding the bus
d. The passenders are getting off the bus
Number Nine.
a. Several students are making a presentation
b. The person is using a shovel
c. The person is using a rake
d. The two men are eating fish
Number Ten.
a. The customer is buying something
b. The man is using a screwdriver
c. The group is discussing something
d. The musician is playing the violin.
Sampai disini untuk selanjutnya bisa ke Listening Picture 5.
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